Aircraft stats

Check out all the various planes available for use by carriers in world of warships. List is in a spreadsheet format with data showing dps, speed, torpedo damage. Loadout means amount of ammo the plane carries before it needs to return to the carrier. Survivability basically means total HP of the unit.

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Detection range guide

Detection range guide, spotting information, detail ship surface detection and air detection spreadsheet. Surface Detection means the range at which another ship has to be in order for your ship to show up on their radar. You can not be spotted outside of your surface detection range by another surface vessel regardless of what kind […]

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Destroyer guide

Destroyer’s primary task is to ambush enemy ships with your torpedoes. Use the islands for cover to launch attacks while running back to remain undetected. Destroyers are good at killing other destroyers. Destroyers are vulnerable to cruisers; make sure to avoid them as much as possible. If you notice a cruiser is distracted attacking another […]

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Cruisers guide

Cruisers primary task is to focus and destroy other cruisers. Secondary is to escort battleships and to take out destroyers. Cruisers are very effective against destroyers, use HE Ammo for optimal damage. Avoid battleships, do not go near them either as their secondary weapons will rip you apart, best to tag team with a battleship […]

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Battleships guide

Battleship guide, tips, and compare tech tree stats for all the current available ships. Battleships primary task is to take out other enemy battleships. Make sure you use (AP) armor penetrating ammo for maximum effectiveness. Battleships are extremely deadly against carriers and cruisers when in range with secondary weapons. When facing a carrier, switch out […]

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Aircraft Carriers guide

Aircraft Carrier guide, tips, and compare tech tree stats for all the current available ships. Aircraft carriers primary roles include scouting, destroying battleships and other carriers. Fighters are a great tool for scouting the field, make sure to use them to also defend your fleet mates from other carrier planes. Torpedo Bombers – use these […]

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