Once Human Deviant Traits


We’ve compiled a list of the Deviant Traits we’ve discovered so far, but the world of Once Human is vast and full of surprises. There are certainly more traits out there waiting to be uncovered!

once human deviant traits list

NameEffect Seen on Deviant?
An Old Hand Knows the RopesFaster mood and deviant power consumption, and working speed +10% for territorial deviants. Chefosaurus, Rain Man, Growshroom
Baffling BehaviorWhen its Deviant Power decreases, there is a 10% chance that other Territorial Deviations also loses Deviant PowerExtradimensional Cat
Beast of BurdenSyncing with it grants Max Load +8Mini Wonder
Brute ForceSyncing with it grants Max Load +15, Movement Speed -5%Mini Feaster
Buy 1 Get 2When crafting resources, crafting has a 5% chance to produce 1 extra unit
Cheer Up 1Max Mood +30%
Deviant Power recovery speed -5%
Rain Man, Frog the Leaper, Upper World Spawn, Fetch-A-Lot Bunny, Logging Beaver, Disco Ball, Extradimensional Cat, Enchanting Void, Flame Essence, Electric Eel,
Cheer Up 2Max Mood +40%
Deviant Power recovery speed -5%
Voodoo Doll, Mini Feaster, Frog the Leaper, Buzzy Bee, Atomic Lighter, Gingerbread House, Flame Essence, Growshroom
Cheer Up 3Max Mood +50%
Deviant Power recovery speed -5%
Lonewolf's Whisper, Extradimensional Cat, Mini Feaster, Festering Gel, Party Monkey, Snow Globe
ClumsyThere is a chance that crafting output -1Atomic Lighter, Frog the Leaper
Collection +1There is a 5% chance that crafting output +2, and crafting speed -20%
Covert Energy 1Max deviant power +15%.
Covert Energy 2Max deviant power +20%.Gingerbread House
Covert Energy 3Max deviant power +25%.Pup Buddy
Covert Energy 4Max deviant power +30%.Dr. Teddy
Covert Energy 5Max deviant power +35%.
Daydreaming - Moon DiamondThe appearance of the Deviation has changed. When recovering Energy while dormant, it has a 20% chance to restore 15 Deviant Power to other Territory Deviations.Extradimensional Cat
Daydreaming - Moonlit JewelsThe appearance of the Deviation has changed. When recovering energy while dormant, it has a 20% chance to restore 15 Deviant Power to other Territory Deviations.Extradimensional Cat
DurabilitySync with it grants stamina consumption -5%.Butterfly
Efficienfy Above AllCrafting speed +20%, Max Storage Capacity -30%Atomic Lighter
Eureka MomentWhen generating resources, Crafting has a 1% chance of producing 10 extra units, but the resource production interval is increased by 50%.Orb Lightning, Gingerbread House
Feeling blue 1Max Activity Score -5%H37, Atomic Lighter, The Digby Boy, Extradimensional Cat, Enchanting Void, Zeno-Purifier
Feeling blue 2Max Activity Score -10%Extradimensional Cat, Orb Lightning, Frog the Leaper, Atomic Lighter, Lonewolf Whisper, Gingerbread House, Zeno-Purifier
Feeling blue 3Max Activity Score -15%
Gilded Oracle - Pure GoldThe appearance of the Deviation has changed. When exploring, it has a chance to bring back additional ores.The Digby Boy
Growing Pains 1Max Deviant Power +30%
Mood recovery speed -5%
Flame Essence, Fetch-A-Lot Bunny, Paper Doll, Lethal Rabbit, Enchanting Void, Mini Feaster, Electric Eel
Growing Pains 2Max Deviant Power +40%
Mood recovery speed -5%
Mr. Wish, Polar Jelly, Lonewolf's Whisper, Voodoo Doll, Extradimensional Cat, Mini Feaster, Feastering Gel, Buzzy Bee, Chefosaurus, Gingerbread House, Zeno-Purifier, Electric Eel
Growing Pains 3Max Deviant Power +50%
Mood recovery speed -5%
Dreamcatcher, Zeno-Purifier, Rain Man, Upper World Spawn, Extradimensional Cat, Disco Ball, Lonewolf Whisper, Dr Teddy, H37, Enchanting Void
HeartthrobWhen its Deviant Power decreases, there is a 10% chance that ther Territorial Deviations also lose Deviant Power. When the Deviation is dormant and regaining Mood, there is a 10% chance that other Territorial Deviations recieve Mood +5.Extradimensional Cat
Heavy and solidHigher load grants higher DMG reduction for torso, up to +15%
Holding the team backWhen its Mood decreases, there is a 10% chance that other Territorial Deviations also loses MoodExtradimensional Cat
Imperfect Endless Motion - Elegant PurpleThe appearance of the Deviation has changed. When activated and working, it has a 20% chance to not consume Deviant Power.Nutcracker
Imperfect Endless MotionThere is a 10% chance that working does not consume Deviant PowerLogging Beaver
LazyCrafting Speed -10%
Lazy BonesWorking speed -5% for Territorial Deviants.Fetch-A-Lot Bunny, Flame Essence, Paper Doll
Logging BeaverAn Old Hand Knows the RopesLogging Beaver
Long Distance RunnerSyncing with it grants Stamina Consumption -20%, Movement Speed -10%
Medium CupMax Storage Capacity +10%Disco Ball
Mineral TalentWhen Crafting Deviations produce resources while within the Oil Field radius, there is a 20% chance to increase output by 1.Disco Ball
No Such Thing As a Small CupMax storage capacity -10%. Pup Buddy
OnePlusWhen Territory Deviations return with resources, there is a 10% chance for them to bring back rare crystals. However, the return time required is increased.
Optimist 4Max Mood +30%Dr. Teddy
Optimist 5Max Mood +35%Mini Fester
Optimism - Extra LargeThe appearance of the Deviation has changed. It gains Max Mood +40%.Growshroom
Optimism - Good FortuneThe appearance of the Deviation has changed. It gains Max Mood +40%.Extradimensional Cat
PanovisionWorking speed -10% for Territorial Deviants.
Power Rewind 1Deviant Power recovery speed +5%Gingerbread House
Praise the Moon - Starry NightThe appearance of the Deviation has changed. When synced, you deal 6% more damage (both Weapon DMG and Status DMG) at night. Effect is reduced by half during the day.Butterfly
Praise the Sun - Spring RoseThe appearance of the Deviation has changed. When synced, you receive 20% more healing during the day. Effect is reduced by half at night.Festering Gel
Psychic KidHaving this deviant fight alongside grants Status DMG +5%
Reserved Energy - Twisted Fairy TaleThe appearance of this Deviation has changed. It gains Max Energy +40.Nutcracker
RewindAdds 10% deviant power recovery speed +10%
Rise and Shine 1Mood recovery speed +5%
Rise and Shine 2Mood recovery speed +10%
Rise and Shine 3Mood recovery speed +15%Electric Eel
Rise and Shine 4Mood recovery speed +20%
Rise and Shine 5Mood recovery speed +25%Atomic Lighter
Run fastSyncing with this deviations grants movement speed +5%
Save EnergyStamina Consumption -10%, Movement Speed -5%
SedantarySyncing with it grants max load -8 when exploring settlements. Pyro, Zeno-Purifier
Slacking OffMood and Deviant Power consumption speed +5% for working Territorial DeviationsFlame Essence
Smooth Sheep RustlerWhen Deviation Activity Score is less than 20%, consume other Deviations' Deviant Power by 5 points when generating resources.Pup Buddy
Snooze AficionadoWhen its Mood decreases, there is a 10% chance that other Territorial Deviations also lose Mood. When the Deviation is dormant and regaining Deviant Power, there is a 10% chance that other Territorial Deviations receive Deviant Power +5Logging Beaver
Stable Energy - Tin SoldierThe appearance of this Deviation has changed. It gains Max Energy +35.Nutcracker
Stable EnergyEnergy Max Limit increased by 30Pup Buddy
Stable VitalityActivity score max limit increased by 30.Electric Eel
Stardust Affinity - Ocean BlueThe appearance of the Deviation has changed. When working in a Pollution Zone, it has a 30% chance to not consume Mood.Nutcracker
Stardust AffinityWhen Territory Deviations are working in the Pollution Zone, there is a 20% chance to not consume VitalityElectric Eel
Stardust EmpowermentWhen Crafting Deviations produce resources while within the Pollution Zone radius, there is a 20% chance to increase output by 1.Gingerbread House
Starry Sky - Marine StarThe appearance of the Deviation has changed. When synced, each reload gives you either a 5% Weapon DMG bonus or 5% Status DMG bonus at random.Festering Gel
Stay IndoorsSync with it grants Stamina consumption 8% in Settlements.Lonewolf's Whisper, Festering Gel, Zeno-Purifier, Mini Feaster
Street RascalSyncing with it grants Movement Speed +10% in SettlementsShattered Maiden
Sweet Talk - Silver GentlemanThe appearance of this Deviation has changed. When recovering Mood while dormant, it has a 25% chance to restore 10 Mood to other Territory Deviations.Nutcracker
The Joy of Slacking OffThere is a 10% chance that crafting consumes 0 mood, and crafting speed -20%. Gingerbread House
Toxicologist - Dark RebelThe appearance of the Deviation has changed. When exploring, it has a chance to bring back Acid.Fetch-A-Lot Bunny
Toxicologist - Green TouchThe appearance of the Deviation has changed. When exploring, it has a chance to bring back Acid.Growshroom
Unhinged ProductionWhen Deviation Activity Score is less than 20%, consume other Deviations' Deviant Power by 1 points when generating resources to produce 2 extra units.
Unplanned ProductionThere is a 10% chance that crafting consumes 0 deviant power, and crafting speed -20%. Pup Buddy
Upper HandWhenever Energy drops to 0, automatically consume Vitality to recover Energy.Mini Wonder
Voluntary Overtime - PrismThe appearance of the Deviation has changed. When activated and working, it has a 15% chance to not consume Mood.The Digby Boy
Water Dormancy - Heavy GingerThe appearance of the Deviation has changed. When resting by water, it gains Mood Recovery Speed +35%.Extradimensional Cat
Weakspot Master - Glistening BlueThe appearance of the Deviation has changed. When synced, hitting a Weakspot increases Secured by 1 additional point. Cooldown: 3s.Butterfly
WellbeingSyncing with this Deviation grants Max Stamina +10Mini Feaster
Woodland Spirit - AliceThe appearance of the Deviation has changed. When exploring, it has a 10% chance to bring back Acid.Fetch-A-Lot Bunny
Workaholic - Lights and ShadowsThe appearance of the Deviation has changed. When working, it gains Energy and Mood consumption interval +20%.Nutcracker
Worn-outMax Deviant Power -5%Artisan's Touch, Pup Buddy, Extradimensional Cat
Worn-out 2Max Deviant Power -10%Polar Jelly, Growshroom, By-The-Wind, Buzzy Bee, Extradimensional Cat, Enchanting Void, Paper Doll, Rain Man
Worn-out 3Max Deviant Power -15%

How You Can Contribute

We’re always looking to expand our knowledge and provide the most comprehensive information to the community. If you’ve come across Deviant Traits that aren’t listed here, we encourage you to share your findings with us! Feel free to post in the comments section below or reach out through our contact page. Your contributions help enhance our collective understanding of the game and support fellow players in their adventures.

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Stay tuned for updates as we continue to explore and document new Deviant Traits. Thank you for being a part of our Once Human community!

25 thoughts on “Once Human Deviant Traits

  1. Caught this Uber OP Atomic Snail back in Season 1

    Atomic Snail (normal type):
    Come As One (gold trait): 1+ material production per Territory type deviation in your Territory. Upon further testing, My Level 3 Atomic snail was producing 300 Tunneling Fluid in only under 2 hours.

  2. I have a beaver that has toxicity, occasionally he comes up with acid, not sure the drop rate or anything. he doesn’t always have it. Noticed its not on the list.

  3. I just got a 5/5 Butterfly with Cheer Up 2 and a trait called “City Folk” which decribes as “Syncing with it gives Max Load +15 when exploring settlements.”

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