Interactive Map by DaOpa


Welcome to our interactive map for Once Human, brought to you by DaOpa! Explore the game world by clicking on markers to reveal pop-up messages and clickable links to guide videos. Our map offers additional features for your convenience. At the top left corner, you’ll find a search button allowing you to find specific items, places, and blueprints with ease. Just below that, you can also toggle to full-screen mode for a more immersive experience.
Keep in mind that our map is a work in progress, with new areas and markers continuously being added. Your feedback is invaluable as we strive to enhance and expand the map to better serve your exploration needs. Happy adventuring!

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86 thoughts on “Interactive Map by DaOpa

  1. there is a legendary weapon accessory via a “shoot a floating eyeball challenge” in blackfell west of the sunshine farm on that mountain if you follow that light colored beige road up from the highway

  2. there is also another memetics chest in blackfell region by the east teleporter, its northeast of it by the curve in the road

  3. make the memetics points chests thier own thing on the map pls. Your missing one NNW silvershore teleport tower in the water delta about .6 KM. Know I found one cant 100% remember if it had memetics points (didnt realize I was getting them from these chests) but it was one of those warp in time snap your finger and shoot till they die eyeball chests so I assume it was a memetics chest.

    1. They’re morphic chests, and they don’t give memetic points, just some energy link, stardust source and xp. And I’ve been all over that delta area NNW pf the Silvershore teleporter and not found a thing.

  4. Would be awesome to have the crab-legs-chest thingys (ripple in spacetime chests) locations as well, keep up the awesome work, much love.

    1. I will be getting data on this to mark them up also, if you or anyone else has confirmed location for these, please DM me on Discord with a screenshot of the location.

  5. Could you post what you keep adding, Im follwing this map, but if u add something is there a way to know? Awesome work with this map. Thank you.

  6. Memetic chest in Lone Wolf Waste inside of Blackfell Oil Fields on truck bed, just a little north of the gear crate.

  7. Not sure if there’s a better way to submit spots for things but: East of Harborside map icon, about 1/3rd of the way to the Lighthouse, is a Morphic hunt spot. Really it’s right on top of the rocks outside of Harborside

  8. The memetic chest at LEA, says on a train. I cant find it anywhere. There are no trains. Was this verified? Can anyone confirm its at LEA?

  9. Thanks so much for this map! I really appreciate your work and the fact that this is free.

    A few feature requests if you happen to have time and are interested (totally understand if not):
    * The ability to mark a collectable as found (and the ability to reset a single one or all collectables for a category if possible)
    * Retain selected filters on refresh
    * Make the non full-screen map taller (square?)
    * Info on what weapon types a particular attachment can be slotted into
    * Recipe buff information and resource cost to craft
    * Settlement enemy type and filters (great for dailies that require humans etc.)

  10. If you want to find more of these walking yellow head treasure chests use echo (The messaging tool) to search with the words “Anomaly chest”. Spam the track location button so it works. After that, you see the location of the marked message, which is next to the chest’s location.

  11. Keys for Chest in Fort Eyrie can be found at Brewery Estate in the small field talk to the ghost thing after dark will require 3 crops you can gather easily around the area.

  12. Gaia Research Center Ruins (Broken Delta)
    If you go up on the road at the back to the main antenna dish:
    – there is the Second Elite you need to clear the area
    – there is also a Gear chest

  13. Tab-6A Camp (Broken Delta)
    This is where the Into the Madness happens.
    The central building has a weapon chest downstairs in the sealed off area.

    1. Just added a feature to the map when you CLICK on a Marker, It makes that Marker Color more Transparent, if you click on it again, the marker is Full Color again.

      This can be used to Mark what you have found vs Not.

    1. Just finished added this feature in, if you notice any Bus Routes not listed, please let me know, I dont know if I got all of the routes / bus locations, I have a couple…

      1. There is one that spawns east of Greywater across the bridge at the split. it runs south a little ways along the 4 lane road, but it doesnt stop at a town. stops about halfway between the bridge and Rippleby market.

    1. Just added a feature to the map when you CLICK on a Marker, It makes that Marker Color more Transparent, if you click on it again, the marker is Full Color again.

      This can be used to Mark what you have found vs Not.

  14. The option to remove marks on your map would be great. Mainly so we could go through the weapon attachments and remove them as we get them. Like a toggle / reset function too! <3 Thanks for all you do.

  15. Hello there! For the side quest in Dayton Warehouse in the Deadsville area , when you go to the hospital again and you have the wheelchair puzzle, you just have to make the calendar in the loop hospital room to show the date 15th of September 2023. So as you see calendar on the wall if you go to the room straight ahead that will go -1 day and if you go to the door on left it will go -1 month. Move to the rooms accordingly in order to put the date required! Pretty easy but just putting it here in case someone gets stuck! Gl people ^_^

  16. Wish you would add an option so we can cross off the ones we have completed so we do forget and go back again.

    Great job on this map btw!

    1. Just added a feature to the map when you CLICK on a Marker, It makes that Marker Color more Transparent, if you click on it again, the marker is Full Color again.

      This can be used to Mark what you have found vs Not.

  17. There is a level 5 frog spawn at the puzzle place where you get the Extended Rifle mag. 5% chance of encountering and 5% chance of capturing

  18. yo found a recepice u dont have on ya map yet “Honey Glazed meat” its on the “village top of the map right; Right from the HP-Revoloution Senter; “Alternate Reserach institute” ; where the Anchor is to the north; on the outside topfloor behind heches on a table.

  19. bdw u also should incloude the “Polluted areas” where u can build bases for acid farming from polluted froundwater

    1. There are a few of em but I noticed the ones on this map that are listed are also crowded like crazy – the ones missing, not a soul is at lol. This map gets a lot of views, kinda sucks since its a cool feature but nobody is actually searching things out. I only use this when I absolutely cannot find a crate in a stronghold.

  20. Meleagant1229
    : Also, Buzzy Bee comes from Citrus County right north of Deadsville in the pumpkin patch (PVE, unsure of PVP), if you want to add it

    1. Gold Ore has no default spawn locations, it is random based on other ores, the more people in the higher level regions mine, the bigger the chance to get gold showing up as replacement for the previous ore type, is our current understanding…. If something comes up to show Gold has Static spawn spots, I will add it into the map, so far I havent seen this.

  21. Hey Opa, I’m trying to retrace my steps in evergreen vineyard’s stronghold, I found a 3-3 buzzy bee thereand I dont remember where. Do you have idea on the spawn location of it or higher level deviations?

    1. I think Deviation levels are RNG, I play on PVP server so I dont have access to Buzzy Bee – I am going to make a alt on a PVE soon to find the PVE Only Deviations.

      1. Gotcha, have you obtained a level 1 Deviation with high activity and skill ratings? Thanks in advanced!

    1. There is a Collapse function, but I think the way this works currently is to have it on Collapse on start, which will make it hard for people to click and open it up, it just wont work right for people at the moment.

    1. Trying to get this feature in …

      Update 7/24 – Added in a way to do this now, basically every time you click on a marker, it will go semi transparent, if you click on it again, the marker gets restored. You can use this to show which markers you have already found vs stuff that you haven’t.

  22. Is there anyway to minimize the object menu so I can see the full map? Its covering up a lot sitting on the right side of the screen. Maybe put it below the map.

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