Specializations list for memetics mastery


Once Human lays out a bunch of memetic mastery specializations, covering a bunch of cool abilities. Our list here starts with the name, type, and what specialize they are followed by a ‘X’ showing where you might unlock these skills as you level up. If you see a V that means we have verified that it can show at the level in the chart. Every five levels, you get to choose from a list of four specializations, adding some fun surprises to your journey. Just keep in mind, this data’s still a work in progress, so there might be some missing bits or mistakes. But hey, that’s all part of the adventure in mastering memetics with Once Human!

NameTypeSpecializationSpecialization Effects5101520253035404550
Activated Carbon FilterHydro EngineerControlNew Formula: Activated Carbon Filter
When this item is in your Backpack,
enjoy a 30% chance of obtaining a
portion of Boiled Water or Pure Water
when collecting water with a Flask.
Adrenaline Shot: PhoenixMaster CraftsmanTierImproved Formula: Adrenaline Shot
Take less DMG for the first 10s after
respawning, and slowly recover HP.
Art of Stardust DecaySmelterGatheringUnlock New Formula: Art of Stardust
Consume Stardust Source to craft
Acid using the Electric Furance.
Backpack ExpansionMaster CraftsmanCraftingUnlock New Formula: Backpack
When in your Backpack, increase Max Load by 40 - 80.
Effect cannot stack.
Basic Defense: Battle-HardenedArtillery MarshalBuildingFacility Boost: Basic Defense
Sandbags,Shelters, and High
Fortifications gain the Battle-Hardened
effect, Durability +100%.

When your territory exists combat,
Durability recovers to 100%.
Bed: A Place to Call HomeTinkererBuildingFacility Boost: Bed
Sleep for more then 10s to cure all
disease and reduce Stamina
depletion for the next 10 minutes.
Biomass Generator: Sustained OutputSparksmithControlFacility Boost: Biomass Generator
Biomass Generator Power Output +5w,
and Fuel Burn Duration +150%.
Biomass Missile: Ample MunitionArtillery MarshalBuildingImproved Formula: Biomass Missile
Plasma Missiles -80% Weight, and +2
Crafting Yield
Canned Goods: Mini CannerStar ChefControlImproved Formula: Canned Goods
+1 Yield when crafting Canned goods.
Chainsaw: Chainsaw Horror ShowProspectorGatheringImproved Formula: Chainsaw
Chainsaw Durability cap +50%, Chainsaw
Attack Speed +30%, and Chainsaw Melee
DMG +100%.
Chef's KnifeStar ChefControlNew Formula: Chef's Knife
When this item is in your Backpack,
you gain +1 meat when butchering
animals, and you have a 20-40%
chance of getting additional by-products.
Claymore Mine: Warrior's
Demolition ExpertTierImproved Formula: Claymore Mine
Base Claymore Mine DMG and
Durability greatly increased. Claymore
Mines will also acquire an additional
DMG bonus as you increase your Psi
Combo ChipsetMachinistTierNew Formula: Combo Chipset
Turn Electronic Parts, Metal Scrap
and Parts into the Combo Chipset
using the Supplies Workbench. The
Combo Chipset can be sold for a large number of Energy Links.
Compost BinChild of the EarthControlNew Formula: Compost Bin
When this item is in your Backpack, 1-3
portions of Spoiled Food will be transformed
into fresh Mushrooms or a Fertilizer of a
random type every 5-10 mins.
Crystal TransformationSmelterGatheringNew Formula: Beryllium Crystal,
Vanadium Crystal, Iridium Crystal,
Platinum Crystal
Turn Stardust Source into various
types of Crystals at the Electric
Custom Gear WorkbenchMaster CraftsmanTierGear Workbench
Weapons and Armor crafted using the Gear
Workbench enjoys +30% Max Durability
Deluxe Storage CrateTinkererBuildingNew Facility: Deluxe Storage Crate
A large Storage Crate with 64 item
Deviant Power Generator: Stardust
SparksmithLogisticsFacility Boost: Deviant Power
Increase Deviant Power Generator's power output by 15%.
Deviation Energy GeneratorSparksmithControlFacility Boost: Deviation Energy Generator
Maximum Number of Generators -1,
but +40% in Deviation Energy
Generator power output.
Disassembly Bench: Careful
SmelterGatheringFacility Boost: Disassembly Bench
Yield +30% when disassembling Parts,Fabrics
and Plastic.
Electric Drill: Treasure HuntProspectorGatheringImproved Formula: Electric Drill
Enjoy +100% yield when mining for Gold Ore,
Silver Ore, and Startrace Ore with an Electric
Electric Furnace: Efficiency LoverSmelterGatheringFacility Boost: Electric Furnace
Power Consumption -50%, and Crafting
Duration -60%
Electric Furnace: ElectrolysisSmelterGatheringFacility Boost: Electric Furnace
Doubles Yield when smelting Aluminum and
Tungsten Ingots using the Electric Furnace.
Electronic RecyclingMachinistTierFacility Boost: Disassembly Bench
Yield +50% for Metal Scrap and Electronic
Electronics GrabberMachinistTierNew Formula: Electronics Grabber
When this item is in your Backpack, enjoy a
small to medium chance of getting extra
Electronic Parts when opening Storage Crates.
Explosive On-the-GoDemolition ExpertTierNew Formula: Explosive On-the-Go
When this item is in your Backpack,
-30-60% Weight for all Grenades,
Molotov Cocktails, High Explosive
and Rocket Warheads. After you use
any throwable, your Sprint Speed +20% for 2s.
Explosive SackDemolition ExpertTierNew Formula: Explosive Sack
When this item is in your Backpack,
grants a 30%-60% chance to recover
Mixed Explosives after using High-Explosive Grenades and Molotov Cocktails.
Explosive Throwables: Echo BlastDemolition ExpertTierImproved Formula: Explosive Throwable
High-Explowsive Grenade and Molotov
Cocktail DMG +30%. Your first kill
inflicted with one of these items
triggers an additional explosion,
dealing 400% Psi Intensity DMG.
Flamethrower Trap: Scorching BlastArtillery MarshalBuildingFacility Boost: Flamethrower Trap
Flamethrower Trap DMG +30%. When
the Flamethrower Trap Kills and enemy,
an explosion is triggered, dealing AoE
Blast DMG to all nearby units (1s cooldown).
Furnace: Precision RefiningSmelterGatheringFacility Boost:
Resource Consumption -30%, and Smelting
Speed -30% when smelting Copper, Bronze,
Steel, Aluminum, and Tungsten Ingots using a
Furnace of Electric Furnace.
Furnace: SinteringTinkererBuildingFacility Boost: Furnace
Sintered Brick and Glass Crafting Speed -50%,
Yield +100%.
Gardening GlovesChild of the EarthControlNew Formula: Gardening Gloves
When this item is in your Backpack,
grants a 6-12% chance to double the
amount of seeds you gather.
Gatling Cannon: Power BlastArtillery MarshalBuildingFacility Boost: Gatling Cannon
Gatling Cannons deal +30% DMG. When your
Territory exits combat,Durability recovers to 100%.
Generator: Electrical ExpertSparksmithControlFacility Boost: Generator
Maximum Number of Generators +1,
and +2w Power Output.
Golden KnifeDemolition ExpertTierNew Formula: Golden Dagger
A deadly throwing knife made of gold.
Land a throw on target against a
Deviant to trigger Unstable Bomber.
Hitting a Weakspot triggers Unstable
Bomber once more.
Gold Pickaxe and Silver PickaxeProspectorGatheringNew Formula: Gold Pickaxe, Silver
Gold and Silver Pickaxe aren't very
durable. When mining with a Gold
Pickaxe, you have a chance to obtain
Mixed Spices. When logging with a
Silver Pickaxe, you have a chance to
obtain fruits.
Gravel and Log On-the-GoProspectorGatheringNew Formula: Gravel and Log On-the-Go.
When this item is in your Backpack,
-30-60% Weight on all Logs,Gravel, and Ores also
currently stored in your Backpack.
Gravitational Grip: Bonds of GuidanceArtillery MarshalBuildingFacility Boost: Gravitational Grip
When the Gravitational Grip trap is
triggered by enemy, there's a 20%
chance that it will also inflict "The Bull's Eye".
Harvesting SickleChild of the EarthControlNew Formula: Harvesting Sickle
When this item is in your Backpack,
you enjoy a 20-40% chance of
doubling your crop gain when
gathering in the wild.
High Power WarheadDemolition ExpertTierNew Formula: High Power Warhead
A high-efficency Rocket Launcher
warhead. It's lighter and deals more
damage to buildings and vehicles.
Hydraulic Generator: One
with the Tides
SparksmithControlFacility Boost: Hydraulic Generator
Maximum Number of Generators +1.
Power Output +0-7w,depending on
speed of water flow.
Iceshake: Brain FreezeStar ChefControlImproved Formula: Iced Treat
Iceshake effect Time Duration +200%, and
Potency +30%.
Improved Compound FertilizerChild of the EarthControlNew Formula: Improved Compound Fertilizer
Crop fertilizer that can significantly enhance
crop Mutation Rate and Yield,but will also slow
down Growth.
Kitchen Set: GourmandStar ChefControlFacility Boost: Kitchen Set
Based effects of all Dishes +30% when
prepared using a Kitchen Set,Effect Duration
+50% and Crafting Speed -50%.
Lightning Impulse RegulatorSparksmithControlNew Formula: Lightning Impulse Regulator
When this item is in your Backpack,
being struck lightning restores your
HP to full and grants Movement Speed
+15% and Psi Intensity +30% for 60s.
Lucky Logging SiteProspectorGatheringNew Facility: Lucky Logging Site
You will have a chance to obtain
random extra crops when gathering
whenever the sun is shining.
Nalcott Easter EggStar ChefControlNew Formula: Nalcott Perk
Use to randomly receive the contents
of a Settlement Loot Crate.
Oil ProcessingSmelterGatheringNew Formula: Stardust Source
Turn Startrace Ore and Portable Mixed Fuel
in Stardust Source using the Electric
Pickaxe: Forest FoeProspectorGatheringImproved Formula: Pickaxe
Pickaxe Durability is doubled. Enjoy +30% yield
when logging with the Pickaxe, and gain 150%
of the resources when you completely destroy
a tree.
Pickaxe: Moonlight MiningProspectorGatheringImproved Formula: Pickaxe
Enjoy +25% yield when mining
Copper Ore,Tin Ore,Iron Ore,
Aluminum Ore, and Tungsten with the
Pickaxe during the day. Doubles to +50
yield at night.
Portable Diving GearHydro EngineerManagementNew Forumula: Portable Diving Gear
When this item is in your Backpack,
+40-100% Max Oxygen, 40%, and +20%
Swim Speed when diving.
Portable FridgeStar ChefControlNew Formula: Portable Fridge
When this item is in your Backpack.
Food Spoilage Speed -70-90%.
Portable MG Turret: Barrage of BulletsMachinistTierImproved Formula: Portable MG
Portable MG Turrets can deliver an
additional shot,HP and DMG +30%,
and can now be used up to 5 times.
Portable Rainwater CollectorHydro EngineerControlNew Formula: Portable Rainwater Collector
When this item is in your Backpack, you will
continually restore Hydration on rainy days and
also enjoy a 30-60% chance of obtaining 1
portion of Dirty Water, Pure Water, or Acid every minute.
Portable Updraft DeviceMachinistTierNew Formula: Portable Updraft
Use to generate an Updraft Cannon
that lasts for 30s. The Updraft
Cannon will give you a +200% Jump
Height, and can be used 10 times.
Precious Metal RefiningSmelterGatheringNew Formula: Gold Ingot,Silver Ingot
Smelt Gold and Silver Ores into Ingots using
the Electric Furnace. The Ingots can be sold
for a large number of Energy Links.
Pulse Power DeviceSparksmithManagementUnlock New Formula: Pulse Power
When in your Backpack,recover all
HP,increase Movement Speed by
15% and Psi Intensity by 30% for 60s when struck by lightning during rainstorms
. Effect cannot stack.
Rare Crystal SetMaster CraftsmanTierNew Formula: Rare Crystal Set
Turn Crystals into the Rare Crystal
Set using the Electric Furnace. The
Rare Crystal Set can be sold for a
large number of Energy Links.
Red Plasma RoundsArtillery MarshalBuildingUnlock New Formula: Red Plasma
Special ammunition used by Gatling
. They are extremely
expensive but overwhelmingly
powerful. There is no bullet drop in its
trajectory, deals tons of damage, and
has a large explosive radius. Can be
kept for 24 hours.
Reinforced Structures: Healing DefenseTinkererBuildingFacility Boost: Reinforced Structures
Reinforced structures gain the Healing
Defense effect. The maximum number
of Structural items that can be placed
in your Territory at any one time +80.
Rifle Turrent: Two Birds One StoneArtillery MarshalBuildingFacility Boost: Rifle Turret
Rifle Turret DMG +30%, Durability +30%, and
attacks on target trigger a Bounce effect.
Robotics Facility: Skilled MechanicianArtillery MarshalBuildingFacility Boost: Trap & Sentry Turret
Trap and Sentry Turret Durability +50%.
Roasted & Dried: Low and SlowStar ChefControlImproved Formula: Roasted
Roasted and Dried Dishes now
provide +15 Energy, and +10% Sanity
Scout Drone: Invisible HunterMachinistTierImproved Formula: Scout Drone
Scout Drones enjoy The Bull's Eye
effect,+30% Scout Drone HP and
DMG. Scout Drones can also now be
used up to 5 times.
Shotgun Turret: Volley FireArtillery MarshalBuildingFacility Boost: Shotgun Turret
Shotgun Turret DMG +30%, Power
Consumption -30%, with a 30%
Silver Plasma MissilesArtillery MarshalBuildingNew Formula: Silver Plasma Missiles
A special type of ammunition for the
Gatling Cannon. Costly to produce but delievers very high DMG. Bullets fly in a
perfectly straight trajectory, and
deliver very high Blast DMG across a large radius.
Solar DrillProspectorGatheringNew Formula: Solar Drill
The Solar Drill charges itself on sunny
days. Enjoy +15-40% yield of
Copper Ore,Tin Ore,Iron Ore,
Aluminum Ore and Tungsten Ore.
Solar Generator: Photon PowerSparksmithControlFacility Boost: Solar Generator
Solar Generator Power Output +10w.
Spectral CloakMachinistTierNew Formula: Spectral Cloak.
Activate to become Cloaked for 120s. Upon
leaving combat, you'll become Steathy.Use up
to 10 times.
Stardust Barrier: Hold the LineMachinistTierImproved Formula: Stardust Barrier
Stardust Barriers +50% HP. When the
Stardust Barrier is deployed, it
replenishes 50% HP for all allies
within 3m. Stardust Barriers can also now be used 5 times.
Stardust ByproductsSmelterGatheringNew Formula: Acid
Consume Stardust Source to craft
Acid using the Electric Furnace.
Stardust DelicacyStar ChefControlImproved Formula: Stardust Delicacy
Dishes infected with Stardust no
longer reduce Sanity. Instead, they
will instantly restore full Sanity and
also grant 2 random Whims.
Stardust Dish: Shell BreakStar ChefLogisticsImproved Formula: Stardust Dish. The Stardust Dish provides 2 special Whim effects. Within 30 mins of use, continuously recover Hp when Sanity is full.VVV
Stardust Mining PlatformProspectorGatheringNew Facility: Stardust Mining Platform
Increase Mining yield by 20%
Can mine Stardust when in a Pollution Zone.
Stardust RegulatorMaster CraftsmanTierNew Formula: Stardust Regulator
Recover 70% of HP immediately and
gain a Shield equal to 30% Max HP.
This has a 30s cooldown
(independent of Activators' cooldowns)
and can be used up to 15 times.
Stardust Water PumpsHydro EngineerControlNew Facility: Stardust Water Pump
A special Water Pump that, when supplied with
enough power, can extract Stardust Source
from polluted soil.
Stone Structures: Intense DefenseTinkererBuildingFacility Boost: Stone Structures
Structures built from stone gain the
Intense Defense effect, Durability +10-,
and the maximum number of
Structural items that can be placed in
your Territory at any one time +100.
Stove: Long-Term StorageStar ChefControlFacility Boost: Stove
Doubles the shelf life of Dishes you cook yourself.
Sulfur AlchemyDemolition ExpertTierNew Formula: Sulfur Alchemy
Slowly turn Acid into Sulfur using the
Synthesis Bench.
Sulfur ChemistDemolition ExpertCraftingUnlock New Formula: Sulfur Chemist
Can use Sulfur and Energy Link at the
Synthesis Bench to slowly produce acid.
Super RefinerySmelterGatheringNew Facility: Super Refinery
Transform Acid into Portable Mixed
Fuel more efficiently.
Supplies Workbench: Ammo FactoryMaster CraftsmanTierFacility Boost: Supplies Workbench
Crafting Output +50% when crafting regular Ammunition.
Supplies Workbench: Anti-ArmorMaster CraftsmanTierFacility Boost: Supplies Workbench
Yield +30% when crafting AP Ammo,
and Crafting Speed -50%.
Supplies Workbench: Healing BoostMaster CraftsmanTierFacility Boost: Supplies Workbench
HP Recovery +10% when crafting
Activators,and Output +1.
Synthesis Bench: Recycle &
Master CraftsmanTierFacility Boost: Synthesis Bench
When Tactical Items like Drones and
Machine Gun Towers are crafted
using the Synthesis Bench, Usage
Count +1.
Throwing Dagger: BullseyeDemolition ExpertTierImproved Formula: Throwing Dagger
Throwing Dagger +30% DMG. After killing an
enemy with a Throwing Dagger,the next throw
+100% DMG.
Ultra GrenadeDemolition ExpertTierNew Formula: Ultra Grenade
Higher Blast DMG, and additional
bonus DMG against buildings and
Updraft Device: Gravity LiteTinkererBuildingFacility Boost: Updraft Device Gravity is reduced around the Updraft<>Cannon, and Movement Speed is increased for 5s.VVVV
Wood Structures: Tough PlantTinkererBuildingFacility Boost: Wood Structures
Structures built from wood gain the
Tough Plant effect, and Durability +150.

29 thoughts on “Specializations list for memetics mastery

  1. You are missing a biggie: Crystal Transformation: Formula: Turn Stardust into various crystals – good for endgame Platinum Crystal crafting.

  2. can someone guide me about Custom Storage Crate like is it available atm or i have to wait for later cz i am not aible to find it anywhere !!!

    1. Tienes 2 opciones, una llamada Alquimia de azufre y otra Químico de azufre. Ambas pueden estar disponibles en los niveles 20.25.30,35.

      Sulfur Alchemy / Sulfur Chemist

  3. Deviation Energy Generator , Is not the same memetic unless there are 2 of them, its now 15% increased output of deviant power generator

  4. Missing – Stardust Dish: Shell Break (Star Chef) (Management) – Improved Formula: Stardust Dish. The Stardust Dish provides 2 special Whim effects. Within 30 mins of use, continuously recover Hp when Sanity is full.

    I think it has replaced Stardust Delicacy but cant confirm.

  5. Missing : Red Plasma Rounds: Unlock New Formula: Red Plasma Rounds. Special ammunition by Gatling Cannons. They are extremely expensive but overwhelmingly powerful. There is no bullet drop in its trajectory, deals tons of damage, and has a large explosive radius. Can be kept for 24 hours. Got the choice at 40 so I’d assume its 40-50.

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