NPC Ships List


Space is vast and unpredictable, and in the Starfield Universe, you’re not alone in your interstellar journey. Alongside your own spaceship, you’ll encounter a diverse array of NPC ships, each with its own purpose and often unpredictable behavior. In this guide, we’ll provide you with a comprehensive list of current NPC ship types that you may encounter while exploring the Starfield Universe.

The Starfield Universe is a dynamic and immersive space filled with a wide variety of NPC ships, each adding depth and complexity to your interstellar adventures. As you explore the cosmos, be prepared to interact with traders, pirates, system police, and many other ship types, each offering unique challenges and opportunities.

Remember, your choices and interactions with these NPCs can significantly impact your journey, so choose your path wisely as you navigate the cosmic highways of Starfield. Safe travels, explorer!

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