Testing 30m Canned Seafood in Oil Buff Video


Dive into the effectiveness of the Canned Seafood in Oil buff with my latest Once Human video! Uploaded on December 18, 2023, this 6-minute and 20-second gameplay footage offers valuable insights into the 30-minute buff’s impact on mining and gathering.

🎣 Canned Seafood in Oil Buff Test: Join me on a testing run as I consume the Canned Seafood in Oil, examining its effects on mining and gathering activities. This video provides a real-time demonstration of the buff’s benefits.

📆 Published: December 18, 2023
⏱️ Duration: 6m 20s

📈 Enhance Your Gameplay: Learn how the Canned Seafood in Oil buff can significantly improve your mining and gathering efficiency, giving you a competitive edge in the harsh world of Once Human.

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