Prismverse Clash – Podcast Episode


Welcome to this episode of our Once Human Podcast, where we delve into the exciting new updates for Once Human. In this episode, we cover the key features and mechanics of the Version 1.2 update, focusing on the newly introduced PvP scenario, Prisma vs Clash. Join us as we discuss the Mayfly and Rosetta factions, gameplay strategies, faction backstories, and a detailed breakdown of rewards and upcoming game features.

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Once Human Podcast Episode – Prismverse Clash

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00:00:09,896 --> 00:01:07,517
hey there you itching to hear about 
the latest once human news we're doing
a deep dive into their version 1.2 Dev 
stream today and trust me
it's packed with juicy details they've
clearly been listening to the community
because this update tackles a bunch of
player requests head on absolutely it seems
like they're focusing on refining the core
experience before adding too much new stuff
which is a good sign for the game's future
one by one remember all those questions
about character customization confirmed
though no date yet

00:01:08,641 --> 00:01:10,601
They're working on it yeah and that lag

00:01:11,053 --> 00:02:10,657
Big optimization patch coming late October
wow it's smart of them to address those
quality of life issues up front a smoother
more responsive game benefits everyone
regardless of playstyle for sure and
speaking play Styles let's talk about those
Base building Fanatics version 1.2 is
bringing a ton of new furniture blueprints
so get ready to let those creative Juices
Flow although they were clear about the
facility limit staying put for now it's not
just about artistic Vision it's about server
load okay they actually explain the
technical limitations which I appreciate
transparent is always a good look yeah but
hey at least those small parapets who needs
a mega base when you can have a stylish one
right and speaking of things that need a bit
of tweaking reporting systems

00:02:11,219 --> 00:03:10,620
Cracks cheaters beware the Wasteland just
got a whole lot more honest and they're
directly addressing those annoying base
blocking strategies too they're really
trying to ensure a Level Playing Field which
is crucial especially with this new PVP
scenario they announced oh yeah the main
course Prisma versus Clash this isn't your
typical Capture the Flag faction War we're
talking a 19-day Sprint for control of these
things called prism deviations more intense
PVP experience which might appeal to players
who found the traditional faction Wars a bit
too slow absolutely and to fuel that
intensity they're cranking up the XP and
resource game in prisoner versus Clash
strategy with faster progression alliances
and betrayals might shift even more rapidly
oh for sure exactly Mark your

00:03:11,238 --> 00:03:37,601
For October 17th because that's when the way
of winter descends upon us and based on the
name alone it sounds like things are about
to get seriously chilly in a good way what's
got me hooked are those little bread crumbs
they dropped new exploration areas new
mechanics even something called a settlement
Silo it feels like a substantial expansion
to the core PVE experience once human is
going full hardcore survival mode

00:03:37,910 --> 00:04:37,462
But before we get lost in the Frozen waste
let's talk about some smaller but equally
exciting quality of life changes from 10 to
14 days finally enough time to find a new
Wasteland crew that doesn't mind your
eccentricities and speaking of finding the
perfect companions get ready to build your
dream Wasteland petting zoo because the
long-awaited breeding function is finally
coming in version 1.2 it's been a highly
requested feature and from the sounds of it
they're implementing it with a good amount
of depth taming level plays a role adulthood
factors in and there's even a special
youngling Hut no more randomly clicking a
button and hoping for the best yeah it seems
like they're trying to make breeding a
meaningful part of the gameplay not just
attacked on feature exactly and get this
they're adding an apparent system for
animals too the Critter you catch might have
unique patterns or colors and those traits
can be passed down through breeding

00:04:37,809 --> 00:04:51,647
Okay that's awesome imagine finding a super
rare mutated creature with Incredible stats
and an even more incredible look and
speaking of new creatures we're getting
Capybaras and leopards they did confirm that

00:04:50,346 --> 00:05:37,600
Confirm that all three will be fully
integrated into the breeding system I can't
wait to see what kind of amazing and maybe
terrifying combinations players come up with
a pack of flamingo writing Raiders
descending on your base oh yeah but now
let's switch gears and talk about something
that might not seem as flashy as mutated
flamingos but is just as impactful what's
human is breaking down language barriers
they are adding three new languages to the
game right now for players from all over the
world plus no more relying on those clunky
translator programs in the middle of a raid

00:05:38,234 --> 00:05:46,062
And speaking of gearing it for a raid weapon
enthusiasts you are not going to want to
miss this The fabled massamuna katana.

00:05:46,270 --> 00:06:39,754
Is coming to Once human and the level of
detail they showed in that inspection
animation it's clear they put a lot of love
into making this weapon feel special they
weren't kidding when they said fabled this
thing looks absolutely legendary and it's
not just a pretty face right from what they
hinted at it seems like it's stats and
special abilities are going to be pretty
impressive too players are going to be
battling it out for this Katana but before
you start panicking about loot boxes or
insane drop rates good news you can snag it
through the wish machine interesting
strategically speaking this time about the
mobile version entering testing perhaps
they've already confirmed to cross platform
play between PC and mobile so imagine
grinding resources on your phone during your
commute and then logging on to your PC later
that night to cash those resources in for a
shot at the Fable of mass and Moon

00:06:40,666 --> 00:06:47,441
Now that's some Next Level strategizing they
could even have platform specific events
that tie into rewards on the other version

00:06:48,270 --> 00:07:10,716
But hold on a sec let's back up a bit and
talk about this mobile version for those who
might have missed it Android users can
already download the APK and iOS users can
join the fun through test flight it's still
in testing so expect a few bugs here and
there it's awesome that they're being so
open with the testing process though yeah it
shows they're committed to getting it right
and value player feedback but now for the
big question

00:07:11,142 --> 00:07:50,459
Can you jump back and forth between the new
PVP scenario and the upcoming PVE content in
the way of winter unfortunately no they
explain that they want to maintain balance
within both experiences allowing players to
freely switch between the two could lead to
some wacky faction population swings which
wouldn't be fun for anyone that makes sense
it's a tough decision but I think it's the
right one for the long-term health of the
game plus it adds a layer of strategy to the
whole thing do you dive head first into the
intense time limited world of Prisma versus
Clash or do you prepare for the unknown
challenges of the way of winter tough
choices for a wasteland Survivor

00:07:50,818 --> 00:08:15,070
But hey those want to sit out the PVP frenzy
can always spend those extra days sprucing
up their Eternal Lands right speaking of
which yeah they're getting some love too
yeah we've got a new entrance interface for
starters which is great oh nice to create
elaborate welcome areas and the ability to
like other players Creations it's a small
change but it adds a whole new level of
social interaction and Community recognition

00:08:15,425 --> 00:09:15,058
Those talented Builders right it's like
giving those hidden Wasteland gems the
spotlight they deserve but speaking of
letting your creativity shine let's talk
about their creative scenario Workshop now
this is what I call listening to the
community right they're challenging players
to design their dream Once human scenarios
with some seriously awesome prizes and get
this the winning scenarios might actually
make it into the game it's a brilliant move
not only does it tap into the player base's
creativity for a wasteland Adventure come to
life talk about a legacy but for those of us
who are more about nurturing life than
conquering it let's Circle back to that
breeding function for a secure the
developers explain that taming level
adulthood and even a special Young Living
Hut all

00:09:15,435 --> 00:09:31,422
Went to the process there's a strategy to it
yeah it's cool it's not just a random number
generator spitting out baby animals it'll be
interesting to see how players approach it
right well they focus on breeding for
specific stats for Unique appearances or
maybe even for rare combinations of both it
adds a whole new

00:09:30,526 --> 00:09:35,290
Adds a whole new layer to collecting and
customizing your Wasteland companions

00:09:36,424 --> 00:10:09,793
And speaking of those companions remember
those three new additions flamingos and
leopards all tameable and all part of this
new breeding system players with armies of
loyal capybara's charging into battle
although a flock of battle ready flamingos
might be even more terrifying don't forget
about those leopards oh yeah stealthy
powerful and now potentially breathable for
even more impressive stats they could shake
up the PVP scene in a big ways

00:10:10,364 --> 00:10:18,178
Talk about a nasty surprise but shifting
gear is a bit here let's talk about
something that's just as important as new
creatures in scenarios

00:10:18,614 --> 00:10:50,983
Inclusivity they're adding Russian Spanish
and Portuguese language support right you
got it breaking down those language barriers
is huge for expanding the ones human
community and making the game accessible to
even more players around the world it makes
collaborating with players from different
regions a lot smoother too right no more
relying on Awkward translations or frantic
Google searches mid raids let's talk about
that fabled massimini Katana again for a sec
but the developers dropped a few more hints
about its background

00:10:51,656 --> 00:11:51,224
They said it was inspired by Legends of
ancient Samurai forged with techniques lost
to time and apparently it possesses a unique
ability that will shift the tides of battle
cryptic I'm already envisioning some epic
slow motion battle moments with that Katana
it seems a really leaning into the lore and
the history behind this weapon which is a
nice touch it's not just a random powerful
item it's got a story to tell right and I
bet players are going to be dissecting every
detail of that story in those special
abilities once they get their hands on it
but speaking of getting your hands on things
let's talk about the twitch streamer faction
War they announced now that sounds like it's
going to be fun to watch I know right
they're pitting popular once human streamers
against each other in a battle for Wasteland
domination yeah all time to coincide with
the Prisma versus Clash launch it's a
brilliant way to generate hype for the
update and bring the community together I'm
already picturing the trash talk the Epic
plays and

00:11:51,697 --> 00:11:54,834
Inevitable moments of betrayal

00:11:56,040 --> 00:12:54,777
The developers mentioned a twitch bounty
board where viewers can earn rewards for
completing in-game tasks while watching
their favorite streamers oh yeah that's a
smart move it encourages viewers to actively
participate and rewards them for their
support and those exclusive twitch drops
they teased that's just icing on the cake
they've really gone all out with this event
it's not just about promoting the update
it's about creating a shared experience for
everyone and speaking of experiences the
shop is getting some new additions in
version 1.2 mention something about
expanding customization options maybe some
new glider skins or something equally epic
or how about some new base decorations

00:12:55,362 --> 00:13:15,576
Area where the way of winter theme right
imagine rocking a frosty new outfit while
you're battling for control of those prism
deviations having a special winter themed
Banner you can display in your Eternal land
to show off your survival skills it's all
about those little details that enhance the
immersion and make the world feel alive

00:13:16,020 --> 00:13:50,202
But before we get too carried away with our
wish lists yeah they did say that version
1.2 will be the last major content update
for a while yes they want to focus on
stability bug fixes and really polishing the
core game experience based on player
feedback from this update which honestly is
a relief right sometimes it feels like we're
constantly being bombarded with new content
and it's hard to keep up exactly it's good
to take a breather let the dust settle and
appreciate all the amazing things this game
already has to offer totally yeah but still
we can't help but wonder what's next for
once human

00:13:51,218 --> 00:13:54,360
They hinted at exciting plans for the future

00:13:54,454 --> 00:14:11,664
But they were pretty vague about it well
that vagueness is what keeps us coming back
for more isn't it speculation is part of the
fun you're not wrong but for now let's focus
on what we do know right version 1.2 is
shaping up to be a massive update with
something for everyone yeah we've got
quality of life

00:14:10,235 --> 00:14:34,385
We got quality of life improvements new
content for both PVE and PVP enthusiasts
exciting community events and the promise of
a more stable and Polished gaming experience
it's like they're laying the groundwork for
something even bigger and I can't wait to
see what that looks like me neither but for
now I'd say players have a lot to look
forward to with version 1.2 what are you
most excited about honestly

00:14:34,871 --> 00:15:34,594
It's a toss-up between diving into brisma
versus Clash with that fabled massamuni
Katana and breeding a whole Army of adorable
mutated Capybaras tough choices I think I'm
most interested to see how those new
language options and the mobile version
impact the community in the long run will we
see a surge in international alliances
cross-platform collaboration it's like
opening up the Wasteland to a whole new
world of possibilities exactly and with the
developers emphasizing their commitment to
community feedback right it feels like we're
all part of shaping the future of once human
together and that's what makes it so
exciting so as we gear up for version 1.2
here's a final thought for you to ponder
with all these new features and this push
for inclusivity defines the post-apocalyptic
survival genre focusing on refining

00:15:35,094 --> 00:15:37,337
Core experience for its dedicated fan base

00:15:37,820 --> 00:15:44,498
One thing is certain the Wasteland is about
to get a whole lot more interesting

00:15:44,742 --> 00:15:46,763
Until next time happy surviving

Podcast Summary:

This episode is based on the transcript of a live stream featuring Once Human developers and community managers. The discussion revolves around the Prisma vs Clash PvP mode, where players can choose between two factions: Mayfly and Rosetta. The developers provide insights into:

  • Faction Backstories: The origin and lore behind the Mayfly and Rosetta factions.
  • Gameplay Mechanics: A breakdown of the Prisma vs Clash scenario, including prism deviations, the securement process, and strategic tips for mastering each phase.
  • Rewards System: Learn how players can earn unique rewards based on their performance in this PvP scenario.
  • Upcoming Features: Answers to player questions regarding character customization, server transfers, and optimization improvements in the latest patch.

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