Keeping Deviations Happy Video


Discover the secret to keeping your deviations—Butterfly, Time Ticker, Hunger Hopper, and Biogel—happy in Once Human! Uploaded on December 16, 2023, this quick guide provides a straightforward setup for your base to ensure the contentment of your unique companions.

🦋 Deviation Delight: Learn how to create a minimalistic and effective setup to keep your deviations happy in Once Human. Follow the steps, replicate the placement, and make your deviations thrive!

📅 Uploaded: December 16, 2023
⏱️ Duration: 2m6s

🏡 Base Bliss: Create a harmonious environment for your deviations with this easy-to-follow guide. Happy deviations make for a more enjoyable Once Human experience—watch now and elevate your base game!

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