Deviant List by Securement


In this post, we’ve organized the Deviant List by Securement, enabling you to easily compare the various Deviants and their dependencies on lights, flowers, or other temperature-related requirements. This comprehensive guide will help you understand the specific needs of each Deviant, allowing for more efficient planning and management.

Securement Types

We’ve grouped the securement types into five main categories:

  • Electricity: Power requirements for securement unit
  • Lights: Blue Light (B), Green Light (G), Red Light (R)
  • Temperature: High Temperature, Low Temperature
  • Nature: Crops, Flowers
  • Other: Music, Toy

Deviant Securement Table

Below is the table that lists the securement requirements for each Deviant:

Artisan's TouchArtisan's TouchCrafting Deviation1. The Universal Toolkit enables the crafting of the Formula: All-Purpose Hand at the Supplies Workbench.
2. All-Purpose Hand: Instantly repairs the Gear with the lowest Durability. Single-use only.
Atomic LighterAtomic LighterCrafting DeviationProduces Split-Core Cotton, a material for crafting [Fusion Lighters], a Tactical Item. A Fusion Lighter causes a violent explosion upon impact.10WXX
Atomic SnailAtomic SnailCrafting DeviationProduce special materials for crafting Whim Elixir.5WXX
Butterfly EmissaryButterfly EmissaryCombat DeviationDesignated Target:
You can aim and designate a target for the Butterfly's Emissary. Then it will prioritize attacking the designated target. If there is no target in the aimed direction, it will attack nearby enemies instead.
Auto Attack:
Butterfly's Emissary automatically attacks the enemy target, marking the enemy's Weakspot upon hitting and causing the enemy to take an extra 20% Weakspot DMG.
Buzzy BeeBuzzy BeeTerritorial DeviationBoosts the mutation probability of the plants you grow. The probability increases with its Skill Rating.XXX
By-the-WindBy-The-WindCombat DeviationGravity Lift:
Upon command, creates a Gravity Lift that allows you to ascend to a set height and move in the air, lasting for 12 seconds. It follows you when the skill ends.
Chefosaurus RexChefosaurus RexTerritorial DeviationCulinary Genius:
Boosts the effects of food being crafted at the Stove. The boost is related to its Skill Rating.
Disco BallDisco BallCrafting DeviationProduces a special material for crafting the Whim Elixir [Utter Delight], which extends the duration of other Whims when used.XXX
Dr TeddyDr. TeddyCombat DeviationRanged Healing:
When throwing it at an ally, it restores 100% of their Max HP. If the target is downed, it directly revives them.
Timed Healing:
While summoning, it automatically revives nearby downed ally units and periodically heals them (include yourself) who have taken damage, each time restoring 20% of Max HP.
DreamcatcherDreamcatcherCrafting DeviationIt produces special materials for crafting the Whim Elixir: [The Weaver]. Using it grants you the ability to leave behind cobweb traps that slow down enemies when rolling.XXX
Electric EelElectric EelTerritorial DeviationIncreases the power output limit of generators.XHighX
Enchanting VoidEnchanting VoidCombat DeviationThrow the Deviation to activate its skill. It will attack hostile targets, increasing melee damage the targets received by 100%, and lasts for 20 seconds.5WXLowX
Extradimensional CatExtradimensional CatTerritorial DeviationWhen the player rests in a bed, grants them Cat Snooze, accelerating their HP recovery.X
Festering GelFestering GelCombat DeviationFlawless Fortification:
Throw the Deviation to activate the skill. It knocks back enemies near the hit location and transforms into a fortification.
Build Fortification:
This Deviation transforms into a fortification at your location that can block ranged attacks. Allies around the fortification recover 10% HP and Sanity per second.
Fetch-a-lot BunnyFetch-A-Lot BunnyTerritorial DeviationAutomatically gathers shrubs when activated.XXX
Flame EssenceFlame EssenceTerritorial DeviationIncreases the production efficiency of the Furnace and Electric Furnace.10WXX
Frog the LeaperFrog the LeaperCrafting DeviationProduces special materials for crafting the Whim Elixir, [Spring Legs]. Use it to enhance your jumping ability.2WX
Gingerbread HouseGingerbread HouseTerritorial DeviationProduces Cracker Crumbs, a material for crafting [Morph Crumbs]. Morph Crumbs allow you to transform into common objects when consumed.XHighX
GrowshroomGrowshroomTerritorial DeviationAutomatically plants seeds and accelerates the growth of crops. The higher its Skill Rating, the faster the growth.10WXHigh
Grumpy BulbGrumpy BulbCombat DeviationGarlicify:
Upon being thrown, deals AoE Status DMG at the location of impact and disrupts enemies' hostility, causing them to attack each other.
Constant Provocation:
Continuously attracts the hostility of enemies in its vicinity.
H37H37Territorial DeviationExplores Settlements and collects resources from Loot Crates. H37 with a higher Skill Rating gets better loots.10WXX
HarveseedHarveseedCrafting DeviationProduces special materials for crafting the Whim Elixir, [Living Armor]. Activates when your HP is below 20%, restoring 100% HP in 5 seconds. And the Living Armor won't take effect in the next 10 minutes.HighXX
Hug-in-a-BowlHug-In-A-BowlCrafting DeviationProduces Delicious Soup, a material for crafting [Homestyle Noodles], a bizarre dish. Homestyle Noodles fully restore your Sanity when consumed.XX
Lethal RabbitLethal RabbitTerritorial DeviationHunts animals and obtain resources from them.5WXLow
Logging BeaverLogging BeaverTerritorial DeviationLog Trees: It falls trees when activated. The higher its Deviant Level, the more efficient the Logging.3WHighXX
Lonewolf's WhisperLonewolf's WhisperCombat DeviationDesignated Target: Designate a target to attack with Lonewolf's Whisper.
Auto Attack: Autonomously attacks enemy targets and attracts the aggro from nearby enemies. When a target dies. it spawns a clone. Increase weapon DMG received by the attacked by target by 21.6%
Masonic PyramidMasonic PyramidCrafting DeviationPredator:
The first hit in Stealth status is guaranteed to Crit.
You will be notified when an enemy outside your field of view is aiming at you.
Mini FeasterMini FeasterCombat DeviationAuto Attack:
Follows the player, periodically summoning tentacles around an enemy to whip and damage them. When triggering Bounce on an enemy, tentacles are assured to spawn around the enemy and increase your Weapon DMG.
Designated Target:
Allows you to direct the Mini Feaster's attack, prioritizing enemies in the aimed direction. If there are no enemies in the aimed direction, it targets a nearby enemy.
Mini WonderMini WonderCombat DeviationBullet Absorption: Absorbs bullets within a certain radius around itself, automatically reloading your current weapon magazine.
Designated Target: Allows for the designation of a buff target, limited to allies only.
Mr WishMr. WishCombat DeviationTarget Paint:
Mr. Wish rapidly fires in the aimed direction and inflicts the Bull's Eye on hit targets. After the skill ends, it starts Auto Attack.
Auto Attack:
Mr. Wish automatically fires at surrounding enemies.
NutcrackerNutcrackerTerritorial DeviationTerritory Guard:
Patrols within your Territory, attacking suspicious targets. Its Attack increases with its Skill Rating.
Orb LightningOrb LightningCrafting DeviationLightning Bottle, Craft on Supplies Workbench
Increases the performances of nearby Turrets upon use.
Paper DollPaper DollTerritorial DeviationA Paper Figure will restore the durability of the Stardust Resonant Filter and structures when they are damaged. The higher its Skill Rating, the faster it repairs them. Additionally, it may find unexpected gains during Territory Purification.XXX
Party MonkeyParty MonkeyCrafting DeviationProduces special materials and can repair its own replicas. It will attract the threat of nearby monsters.HighX
Polar JellyPolar JellyCombat DeviationFrostlash:
You can throw it to a designated location. Upon hitting, it causes one instance of Frost DMG and stays at the location.
Auto Attack:
Polar Jelly automatically attacks enemies around, dealing Frost DMG and reducing their Movement Speed by 50%.
Pup BuddyPup BuddyCrafting DeviationProduces a special material for crafting Featherweight, a Whim Elixir. Use the Elixir to increase your Max Load.XXX
Pyro DinoPyro DinoCombat DeviationAoE Attack:
Upon command, it automatically attacks enemies at a reduced rate, dealing AoE Blaze DMG, and it has a chance to inflict Burn on enemies, until its Deviation Energy is depleted or it is given a new command.
Single-Target Attack:
Automatically fires at surrounding enemies.
Rain ManRain ManTerritorial DeviationPsychic Rain Curtain: Enhances the Vitality of crops. The higher its Skill Rating, the greater the increase in Vitality. It also provides an appropriate amount of irrigation water for crops.XLow
RebeccaRebeccaTerritorial DeviationSummoning Mitsuko to your Territory and play piano, increasing the Deviant Power recovery speed of Deviations.XXX
Shattered MaidenShattered MaidenCombat DeviationCan participate in combat, fearing and freezing enemies.XXX
Snow GlobeSnow GlobeCrafting DeviationProduces a special material for crafting Snowballs. A target hit by a Snowball will be slowed. If hit repeatedly with Snowballs, the target will become frozen. Be cautious not to hit your teammates.XLow
Space TurnerSpace TurnerCrafting DeviationProduces Spatial Keystones, which can be used for crafting a Tactical Item, [Space Twister]. Use a Space Twister to teleport your teammate to your location.XX
Strange DoorStrange DoorCrafting DeviationProduces a special material for crafting Portals, enabling teleportation between them.XXX
The Digby BoyThe Digby BoyTerritorial DeviationWhen Deviant Power exceeds 30, it activates and starts mining ore.5WHighXX
Upper World SpawnUpper World SpawnCrafting DeviationProduces special materials that can be used to craft tactical items. Using the item will grant the user a short period of immunity to all damage while losing the ability to move.10WXLowX
Voodoo DollVoodoo Doll Combat DeviationDesignate a target, if target a ally, deviation will share a portion of DMG taken, if an enemy they will share a portion of the DMG taken by the player.XXXX
Zeno-purifierZeno-PurifierCombat DeviationDesignated Target:
Prioritizes to attack targets in the aiming direction; if no targets are in the aiming direction, it chooses nearby hostile targets.
Auto Attack:
Moves autonomously and teleports next to the target to launch a melee attack. It also grants you the same teleportation ability for melee attacks.

Check out our Deviant list showing where to get and obtain each one.

This table allows you to easily see and compare the securement requirements for each Deviant. By grouping the securement types together, it becomes straightforward to identify dependencies and plan accordingly.

Feel free to sort and filter the table based on your specific needs. Whether you’re focusing on light requirements, temperature control, or other dependencies, this table is designed to provide a clear and organized view of each Deviant’s securement needs.

Happy planning and managing!

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