1.2 Bug Fixes Overview

News Podcast

The latest patch for Once Human has sparked excitement among players, and we’re diving into the key updates that are set to enhance the gameplay experience. From significant quality of life improvements to crucial bug fixes, let’s explore what this update has in store for players.

Quality of Life Improvements

One of the standout features of this patch is the enhancement of several quality of life elements. Notably, the long-awaited “Accept Invitation” button is finally functioning correctly, making it easier for players to join their friends in events. It’s the little things like these that truly enhance the gaming experience, and players are relieved to see these issues resolved.

Gameplay Enhancements

The developers have taken a magnifying glass to the game, addressing not just minor bugs but also gameplay issues that had been causing chaos. For instance, players previously exploited a bug allowing them to engage in ranged assaults underwater, effectively turning them into “underwater superheroes.” This not only disrupted the intended gameplay but also changed strategies in critical areas. The patch rectifies this oversight, ensuring that such exploits are no longer viable.

Another significant fix involved the missing icons on the world map. These icons play a crucial role in exploration, helping players locate resources and hidden areas. Their absence made navigating the game’s vast world frustrating, akin to wandering a maze in the dark. The return of these icons brings back an essential element of exploration that players had sorely missed.

Vehicle Adjustments

The developers also addressed the blue blade vehicle skin, which had inadvertently slowed down the vehicle’s performance despite its stylish appearance. Balancing aesthetics with functionality is crucial, and it’s great to see that player feedback led to a resolution.

Addressing Game Mechanics and Exploits

In addition to quality of life improvements, this patch has tackled several game mechanics that were causing imbalance. The Prisonverse Clash mode received attention, particularly the Prison Deviation Orb, which was getting stuck near safe zones, allowing players to exploit the system. The patch adjusted the orb’s mechanics to prevent this from happening, ensuring a fairer experience for all players.

Another notable fix was the “Dig to Hell” event, where players could accidentally step outside the safe zone and be knocked out just as they were about to escape with a victory. Such boundary issues can be incredibly frustrating, and players are relieved to see them addressed.

Keeping the Game Fair

The developers are serious about maintaining fairness within the community. They not only fixed exploits but also warned players about potential penalties for future abuses. This proactive approach highlights their commitment to the long-term health of the game and the community’s enjoyment.

Exciting New Features

A significant addition that has players buzzing is the integration of the Battle Mod directly into Prisonverse Clash. This change streamlines the experience, allowing players to access core combat features without needing to switch between modes. It’s a clear sign that the developers are listening to player feedback and are willing to make necessary adjustments.

Addressing Known Exploits

The patch also tackled known exploits, such as the MG turret and cooking exploits. The turret’s reloading speed was adjusted to prevent players from easily dominating opponents, while the cooking exploits that allowed players to create superpowered meals were also addressed. By nipping these issues in the bud, the developers ensure that gameplay remains balanced and enjoyable for all.


In summary, this latest patch for Once Human feels like a massive win for the community. The developers have shown that they’re not just fixing bugs; they’re actively improving the overall experience based on player feedback. With a focus on fairness, quality of life improvements, and meaningful updates, the game is poised for continued success.

Happy gaming out there! And keep an eye out for those underwater layers; you never know what you might find. Just remember: no building below sea level! Let’s keep it fair and fun.

Listen to the Audio Podcast

For an in-depth discussion about these updates, check out our audio podcast where we dive deeper into the patch notes and share our thoughts:

1.2 Bug Fixes Overview

“This podcast episode features AI-generated content to enhance the discussion and provide unique insights.”

Click to view the transcribed data
00:00:01,897 --> 00:00:09,180
Okay so are you ready to dive into these Once
human patch notes with me I'm really curious
to see what they've done with this update me

00:00:09,546 --> 00:00:14,189
It's not just bug fixes it's like they took
a magnifying glass to the game and said

00:00:14,586 --> 00:00:43,539
How can we make this even better yeah that's
a good way to put it they've definitely been
busy based on these notes so where should we
even begin well let's start with those
quality of life improvements everyone's
talking about right like that accept
invitation button finally working and gather
friends events it's the little things in the
first place at least they're fixed now right
but yeah it's not all small potatoes this
time around

00:00:43,998 --> 00:01:42,459
Some of these bugs were seriously messing
with gameplay underwater talk about a game
changer I total miss that one how did that
even work I don't know the specifics but
players found a way to basically become
underwater superheroes instead of being
limited to just melee they were launching
full on ranged assaults from the depths wow
I can only imagine the chaos that must have
caused especially in those underwater ruins
of completely caught off guard oh totally it
completely changed the strategies around
those areas and speaking of disorienting did
you see they finally fixed those missing
icons on the world map oh thank goodness
that was driving me crazy I'd be trying to
track down a resource and boom no icon in
sight it's such a small thing visually but
it had a huge impact on exploration those
icons are our Lifeline in a world as massive
as once human for real it's like trying to
navigate a maze in the dark without them

00:01:42,752 --> 00:02:42,506
And it's not just about finding your way
around either those icons often hold clues
about points of interest or hidden areas
exactly they had a whole layer of depth to
the exploration but you know what else was
throwing players for a loop that whole blue
blade vehicle skin debacle oh yeah I
remember that people were so excited to
finally get their hands on that Sleek ride
and then it turned out that looking cool
came with a hidden cost apparently it made
the vehicle slower yeah I mean I get it
Aesthetics are important but not at the
expense of performance right it's like
sacrificing speed for style thankfully the
developers recognize the issue and fixed it
it definitely shows they're paying attention
to the details and speaking of attention to
detail let's talk about prison verse Clash
they really went all in on that mode with
this patch definitely the changes to the
prison deviation orb immediately caught my
eye it sounds like it's Behavior near safe
zones was causing some major headaches yeah
I heard some players were taking advantage
of that camping out in those saves zones and
basically cheesing the system

00:02:42,630 --> 00:03:01,256
Sounds like the orb could get stuck in
certain spots making it almost impossible to
extract without getting knocked out talk
about frustrating so what did they do to fix
it they tweaked the orbs padding to make
sure it doesn't get stuck in those awkward
spots near the safe zones it's all about
creating a smoother fairer experience for
everyone makes sense

00:03:01,787 --> 00:03:07,881
It's one thing to use strategy but
exploiting glitches just ruins the fun for
everyone involved

00:03:08,137 --> 00:03:16,644
It's all about finding that sweet spot
between Challenge and fairness and they
tackled another boundary issue that was
causing a lot of grief

00:03:17,323 --> 00:03:29,310
The dig to Hell fix oh yeah that one sounded
ridiculous like something straight out of a
comedy of errors pretty much the entrance to
the dig to Hell event was right on the edge
of the safe Zone can you imagine

00:03:29,938 --> 00:04:00,655
You're about to make your escape with the
prison deviation Victory is inside you
accidentally step an inch too far and get
knocked out talk about a buzz kill seriously
yeah glad they sorted that one out but
sometimes it's not just about adjusting
boundaries sometimes you've got players
getting a little too creative with the game

00:04:01,552 --> 00:04:09,639
Do I have to admit there's a part of me
that's impressed by their Ingenuity but
exploits like that can really accept the
balance of the game for sure

00:04:10,017 --> 00:04:21,847
And it's not just about the game play itself
it's about maintaining fairness and Trust
within the community when players feel like
the odds are stacked against them it takes
away from the fun exactly

00:04:22,235 --> 00:04:37,650
So good on the Developers for nipping this
one of the bud and they didn't just fix it
they issued a warning about penalties for
anyone caught exploiting it in the future
message they're serious about keeping things
fair I like it it shows their invested in
the long term health of the game

00:04:38,340 --> 00:04:43,500
But speaking of investing in the game let's
talk about a change that has the PVP players

00:04:42,314 --> 00:05:18,333
Players buzzing adding battle mod directly
to prisonverse clash oh yeah that's huge no
more having to jump back and forth between
modes just access a core combat feature talk
about streamlining the experience it shows
they're listening to player feedback and
making changes that just makes sense exactly
it's those little quality of life
improvements that can really make a
difference but streamlining isn't just about
adding things sometimes it's about
recognizing when things have gotten a little
too chaotic and I'm sensing we're about to
dive into some prime examples of that chaos
you got it remember those mg turret and
cooking exploit oh yeah those were wild

00:05:19,060 --> 00:05:24,716
Was it again the turret was reloading way
too fast

00:05:25,313 --> 00:05:57,632
Players were mowing down opponents without
breaking a sweat and the cooking exploring a
blank on that one it was something about
stacking cooking effects right yeah it let
players basically create these super powered
meals that gave them an unfair Advantage
like a culinary cheat code loopholes that
players find so fascinating I know right
it's like they say where there's a will
there's a way and in the case there's a way
to exploit it true enough but I'm glad the
developers are on top of it

00:05:58,107 --> 00:06:49,386
Addressing these exploits before they become
widespread is crucial absolutely it shows
they're paying attention and taking the
necessary steps to maintain a Level Playing
Field and that's ultimately what keeps the
game exciting for everyone right definitely
when everyone feels like they have a fair
shot it makes the victories that much
sweeter no doubt about it so to wrap things
up this patch feels like a huge win in my
book I'm right there with you it's clear the
developers are listening to player feedback
and making changes that really matter
exactly they're not just fixing bugs they're
actively improving the overall experience
yeah so until next time happy gaming out
there and keep an eye out for those
underwater layers you never know what you
might find just remember no building below
sea level let's keep it fair and fun out
there well said

00:06:49,926 --> 00:06:51,074
Catch you all in the next

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