Unique Skyhunter

2H Bow Rogue

Skyhunter is a 2H Bow that is ideal for Rogue characters. Its unique Affix makes the first direct damage dealt to an enemy a guaranteed Critical Strike, ensuring maximum damage output right from the start. In addition, if the player has maximum stacks of the Precision Key Passive when the skill is cast, they gain a boost of [random Affix_Value_1] Energy, which can only happen once per cast. With its powerful effects, Skyhunter is a great choice for players who want to deal high amounts of damage quickly and efficiently.unique skyhunter

Type: 2H Bow
Class: Rogue
The first direct damage you deal to an enemy is a guaranteed Critical Strike. If you had maximum stacks of the Precision Key Passive when you cast the Skill, gain [random Affix_Value_1] Energy, this can only happen once per cast.

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All Unique Rogue items in Diablo 4

Condemnation1H DaggerRogueCore SkillBasic SkillsCombo Points
Asheara's Khanjar1H DaggerRogueHitsAttack Speed
Skyhunter2H BowRogueCritical StrikePrecisionEnergy
Windforce2H BowRogueDouble DamageKnockback
Word of HakanAmuletRogueRain of ArrowsImbuements
Grasp of ShadowGlovesRogueMarksmanCutthroatShadow Clone
Cowl of the NamelessHelmRogueLucky Hit ChanceCrowd Controlled
Eyes in the DarkPantsRogueDeath Trap

2 thoughts on “Unique Skyhunter

  1. Move over, Cupid! The Skyhunter bow is about to steal your job as the ultimate heartbreaker! With guaranteed critical strikes and a boost of energy, this bow will leave your enemies begging for mercy. Who needs love when you have the Skyhunter by your side?

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