
Radiance Type: Combat Signature Security: Nullsec Region: Catch Pirate type: Rogue Drones Pocket 1 Upon warp-in there are: NPCS: Infestious Drone x5 (F)( Type Strain Decimator Alvi does Web) Digger Drone x5 (C) Trigger for next wave is approaching Acceleration Gate at approx 37m. Wave: Nuker Alvum x2 (C) Strain Raider Alvi x3 (F) Trigger […]

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Type: Combat Signature Security: Nullsec Region: Catch, Syndicate Pirate type: Rogue Drones Pocket 1 Upon warp-in there are: Structures: Drone Light Missile Battery x 4 NPCS: Annihilator Alvum x13 (C) Harvester Drone x3 (F) Trigger not sure, its either delay timer, or nearing the Acceleration Gate. Wave: Strain Decimator Alvi x1 (F)(Webs/Scrams) Devilfish Alvi x1 […]

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Central Sansha Command Center

A myriad of technological marvels inhabit this area of space, the physical guts of a powerful and well protected computerized network. A codebreaker module will be invaluable in uncovering the secrets that are likely hidden here, locked away inside data vaults and heavily encrypted digital networks. Type: Radar Equipment needed: Codebreaker Security: Nullsec Region: Catch […]

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Ruined Sansha Crystal Quarry

Ruined Sansha Crystal Quarry Debris litters this small pocket of space; torn sheets of hardened metal and twisted cables snake up through larger hulls and structures that all tell a story of violence and deterioration. A salvaging module will be required to sift among the garbage and find items of value. Type: Magnetometric Equipment needed: […]

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Sansha Military Complex

Sansha Military Complex Type: Combat Signature Security: Nullsec Region: Catch Pirate type: Sansha’s Nation Pocket 1 Upon warp-in there are: Structures: Sansha Tower Sentry (Tower Sentry Sansha III) x8 Sansha Stasis Tower x2 (Webs) Delayed Warp-in Entry approx 1 min. NPCS: Centus Tyrant x3 (BS) Centus Dread Lord x2 (BS) Centum Loyal Hellhound x2 (C) […]

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Sansha Hub

Sansha Hub Type: Cosmic Anomaly Equipment needed: Security: Nullsec Region: Catch Pirate type: Sansha’s Nation Upon warp-in there are: Structures: Sansha Cruise Missile Battery x4 Tower Sentry Sansha II x2 NPCS: Centus Dark Lord x2 (BS) Centum Fiend x1 (C) Centum Hellhound x1 (C) Centum Mutilator x1 (C) Killing the Last NPC will trigger another […]

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Pristine Sansha Abandoned Colony

Pristine Sansha Abandoned Colony Type: Relic Sites Equipment needed: Salvager Security: Nullsec Region: Catch Pirate type: Sansha’s Nation Debris litters this small pocket of space; torn sheets of hardened metal and twisted cables snake up through larger hulls and structures that all speak a story of violence and deterioration. A salvaging module will be required […]

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PDW-09FX Frentix Production Facility

PDW-09FX Frentix Production Facility Type: Ladar Equipment needed: Codebreaker Security: Nullsec Region: Catch Pirate type: Sansha’s Nation Production Distribution Wing 09FX Ever since the four empires united in a coalition against Sansha’s Nation all those years ago, many people have been questioning just how effective the campaign was. It is no secret that – alive […]

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Abandoned Ship Wreck

Abandoned Ship Wreck – Static DED Site After thousands of years among the stars, the space lanes of New Eden have become littered with countless abandoned ships. The twisted and gnarled hulls of these empty vessels float silently, offering up no explanation as to their lonely fate. Upon warp-in there are: NPCS: 1x Centus Lord […]

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