Welcome to our comprehensive list of buffs and status effects in The First Descendant. This guide showcases all the various buffs and status effects in the game, complete with their respective icons and descriptions.
Explore Buffs and Status Effects
Below, you’ll find an interactive table displaying each buff and status effect. You can customize the number of entries shown on the page to 10, 25, 40, 50, or 100, depending on your preference. Additionally, our search functionality allows you to quickly find specific buffs or status effects.
Icon | Name |
Concentration | |
Fortress | |
001_A01_ArmLNC | |
001_A01_GunExpertChange | |
001_A01_GunExpertReload | |
001_A01_Immortal | |
001_A01_PowerStream | |
002_A01_DecreaseGauge | |
002_A01_PassiveATKUp1 | |
002_A01_PassiveATKUp2 | |
002_A01_PassiveATKUp3 | |
002_A01_Repulsion | |
002_A01_Rune03_01 | |
002_A01_Rune03_02 | |
002_A01_Rune06_01 | |
002_A01_Rune06_02 | |
002_A01_VoidWalk | |
003_A01_DEFDown | |
003_A01_FrostFog | |
003_A01_FrozenChain1 | |
003_A01_FrozenChain2 | |
003_A01_FrozenChain3 | |
003_A01_FrozenChain4 | |
003_A01_IcePower | |
003_A01_SharpIce | |
004_A01_DecreaseGauge | |
004_A01_HoldingGauge | |
004_A01_Joyride | |
004_A01_Pulsar | |
004_A01_Rune01 | |
004_A01_Rune03 | |
005_A01_Overhaul | |
005_A01_PassiveAllTurret | |
006_A01_DemonicATK | |
006_A01_PlagueArmor | |
006_A01_RoomZeroTrauma | |
006_A01_TraumaDown | |
006_A01_TraumaExplosion | |
006_A01_Venom | |
007_A01_HpRecovery | |
007_A01_Passive_Berserk | |
007_A01_Passive_Normal | |
007_A01_PredatorInstict | |
007_A01_RoundsConsumeZero | |
007_A01_RWATKUp | |
007_A01_SkillATKUp | |
007_A01_SkillATKUP2 | |
007_A01_Supersense | |
007_A01_TakeFinalDamageDown | |
007_A01_TakeFinalDmgCoeDown | |
008_A01_Camouflage | |
008_A01_MeltingNuts | |
008_A01_SupriseAttack | |
009_A01_Active2_ATKUp | |
009_A01_FlamePower | |
010_A01_JetSki | |
010_A01_Wet | |
011_A01_NonBattleState | |
011_A01_ShieldExhaustion | |
011_A01_TakeDamageBuff | |
012_A01_Crazy | |
012_A01_Rune04_01 | |
013_A01_Active3_ShieldRecover | |
013_A01_gun_booster | |
013_A01_RoundsUP | |
013_A01_Rune01 | |
013_A01_Rune02 | |
013_A01_Rune02_Active1_GoldenBullet | |
013_A01_Rune03 | |
013_A01_Rune04_Booster | |
014_A01_Active1_HealSuccess | |
014_A01_Active1_Recover | |
014_A01_Active2_Serum | |
014_A01_Active3_Spray | |
014_A01_Active4_Self | |
014_A01_Passive_HpBuff | |
014_A01_Purification_Debuff_All | |
014_A01_Rune01 | |
014_A01_Rune01_HealMode | |
014_A01_Rune02 | |
014_A01_Rune03 | |
014_A01_Rune04_Passive | |
015_A01_Passionate | |
015_A01_Passionate_Enhance | |
015_A01_PassiveTempoDown | |
015_A01_Peaceful | |
015_A01_Peaceful_Enhance | |
015_A01_Perfectpitch | |
015_A01_Rune01_Active2_SelfBuff | |
015_A01_Rune01_Active3_SelfBuff | |
015_A01_Rune01_Active4_SelfBuff | |
015_A01_Rune02_MoveSpeed | |
015_A01_Rune03_TeamATKUp | |
015_A01_Rune03_TeamATKUp_Enhance | |
015_A01_Rune03_TeamWeaknessDamageUp | |
015_A01_Rune03_TeamWeaknessDamageUp_Enhance | |
015_A01_Speedy | |
015_A01_Speedy_Enhance | |
015_A01_TeamPassionate | |
015_A01_TeamPassionate_Enhance | |
015_A01_TeamPeaceful | |
015_A01_TeamPeaceful_Enhance | |
015_A01_TeamSpeedy | |
015_A01_TeamSpeedy_Enhance | |
ACCSet_DeadBride | |
ACCSet_Devour | |
ACCSet_FrostWalker_InFire | |
ACCSet_FrostWalker_OnFire | |
ACCSet_Gluttony00 | |
ACCSet_Gluttony01 | |
ACCSet_Gluttony02 | |
ACCSet_MoltenFortress | |
ACCSet_SwampWalker | |
Ajax_DecreaseGauge | |
Ajax_PassiveATKUp1 | |
Ajax_PassiveATKUp2 | |
Ajax_PassiveATKUp3 | |
Ajax_Repulsion | |
Ajax_Rune03_01 | |
Ajax_Rune03_02 | |
Ajax_Rune06_01 | |
Ajax_Rune06_02 | |
Ajax_VoidWalk | |
Blair_Active2_ATKUp | |
Blair_FlamePower | |
Bunny_DecreaseGauge | |
Bunny_HoldingGauge | |
Bunny_Joyride | |
Bunny_Pulsar | |
Bunny_Rune01 | |
Bunny_Rune03 | |
Common_AccuracyOnKill | |
Common_ATKUp | |
Common_ATKUp_OnKill | |
Common_Aura_HpRecovery | |
Common_Aura_ManaBurn | |
Common_Aura_NoDamage | |
Common_Aura_Silence | |
Common_Aura_SpeedDown | |
Common_Barrier | |
Common_BlazeDEFDown | |
Common_BlazerAOE_OnHit | |
Common_Bleeding | |
Common_Blink | |
Common_Burst | |
Common_ChasingOrb | |
Common_Chill | |
Common_CriResDown | |
Common_DeboneCooltime | |
Common_DEFAllDown | |
Common_DEFAllUp | |
Common_DEFDown | |
Common_DEFSkillDown | |
Common_DEFSkillUp | |
Common_DEFUp | |
Common_DemonicAOE_OnHit | |
Common_DemonicDEFDown | |
Common_DispelOnPartsDebone | |
Common_ElectricDEFDown | |
Common_ElectricityAOE_OnHit | |
Common_FireIntervalUp_OnKill | |
Common_GlacierAOE_OnHit | |
Common_GlacierDEFDown | |
Common_HpRecovery | |
Common_HpRecoveryUp | |
Common_Ignite | |
Common_LeigionRage | |
Common_ManaBurn | |
Common_MaxHpUp | |
Common_MaxShieldUp | |
Common_NoDamage | |
Common_PartialHarden | |
Common_Poision | |
Common_PurificationOnPartsDestroyed | |
Common_RecoilDown | |
Common_Revival | |
Common_RoundsConsumeDown | |
Common_ShellCountUp | |
Common_ShieldRecoveryUp | |
Common_Shield_Irrecoverable | |
Common_Shield_Recover | |
Common_Shock | |
Common_Silence | |
Common_Sparkle | |
Common_SpeedDown | |
Common_SpeedUp | |
Common_SpeedUpOnHit | |
Common_Stun | |
Deathstalker_PoisonErosion | |
Enzo_Active3_ShieldRecover | |
Enzo_gun_booster | |
Enzo_RoundsUP | |
Enzo_Rune01 | |
Enzo_Rune02 | |
Enzo_Rune02_Active1_GoldenBullet | |
Enzo_Rune03 | |
Enzo_Rune04_Booster | |
Esiemo_Crazy | |
Esiemo_Rune04_01 | |
Freyna_DemonicATK | |
Freyna_PlagueArmor | |
Freyna_RoomZeroTrauma | |
Freyna_TraumaDown | |
Freyna_TraumaExplosion | |
Freyna_Venom | |
FrostWalker_Ember | |
FrostWalker_FreezeUp | |
FrostWalker_Frostbite | |
FrostWalker_Glow | |
Gley_HpRecovery | |
Gley_Passive_Berserk | |
Gley_Passive_Normal | |
Gley_PredatorInstict | |
Gley_RoundsConsumeZero | |
Gley_RWATKUp | |
Gley_SkillATKUp | |
Gley_SkillATKUP2 | |
Gley_Supersense | |
Gley_TakeFinalDamageDown | |
Gley_TakeFinalDmgCoeDown | |
HangedMan_Judgment | |
Jayber_Overhaul | |
Jayber_PassiveAllTurret | |
Kyle_NonBattleState | |
Kyle_ShieldExhaustion | |
Kyle_TakeDamageBuff | |
Lepic_ArmLNC | |
Lepic_GunExpertChange | |
Lepic_GunExpertReload | |
Lepic_Immortal | |
Lepic_PowerStream | |
Luna_Passionate | |
Luna_Passionate_Enhance | |
Luna_PassiveTempoDown | |
Luna_Peaceful | |
Luna_Peaceful_Enhance | |
Luna_Perfectpitch | |
Luna_Rune01_Active2_SelfBuff | |
Luna_Rune01_Active3_SelfBuff | |
Luna_Rune01_Active4_SelfBuff | |
Luna_Rune02_MoveSpeed | |
Luna_Rune03_TeamATKUp | |
Luna_Rune03_TeamATKUp_Enhance | |
Luna_Rune03_TeamWeaknessDamageUp | |
Luna_Rune03_TeamWeaknessDamageUp_Enhance | |
Luna_Speedy | |
Luna_Speedy_Enhance | |
Luna_TeamPassionate | |
Luna_TeamPassionate_Enhance | |
Luna_TeamPeaceful | |
Luna_TeamPeaceful_Enhance | |
Luna_TeamSpeedy | |
Luna_TeamSpeedy_Enhance | |
Obstructer_VoidShackles | |
PartsReactionBlock | |
Pedro_Rune04_01 | |
Perk_AfterglowSword | |
Perk_BlueBeetle_A | |
Perk_Clairvoyant_A | |
Perk_Clairvoyant_B | |
Perk_DivinePunishment_A | |
Perk_DivinePunishment_B | |
Perk_DivinePunishment_C | |
Perk_Executor_A | |
Perk_Greatlegacy | |
Perk_IceFlower_A | |
Perk_IceFlower_B | |
Perk_LastDagger | |
Perk_LastMasterpiece_A | |
Perk_LastMasterpiece_B | |
Perk_LastMasterpiece_C | |
Perk_NazestrasDevotion | |
Perk_PeaceMaker | |
Perk_Python | |
Perk_RestoredRelic | |
Perk_Secretgarden | |
Perk_SigvoresProof | |
Perk_Smithereens | |
Perk_Thunderstorm_A | |
Perk_Thunderstorm_B | |
Perk_Thunderstorm_C | |
Perk_WaveofLight_A | |
RecoveryDown | |
Rune_ATKGlacierAddbyBurstFire | |
Rune_Concentration | |
Rune_CriticalInfection | |
Rune_ElementTypeATK | |
Rune_Enhance | |
Rune_FireIntervalDown_Fire | |
Rune_Fortress | |
Rune_FourthWish | |
Rune_Passion | |
Rune_SkillCooltime | |
Rune_SkillCostDuration | |
Rune_SkillScaleATK | |
Rune_SneakAttack | |
Sharen_Camouflage | |
Sharen_MeltingNuts | |
Sharen_SupriseAttack | |
SwampWalker_Disease | |
Valby_JetSki | |
Valby_Wet | |
Viessa_DEFDown | |
Viessa_FrostFog | |
Viessa_FrozenChain1 | |
Viessa_FrozenChain2 | |
Viessa_FrozenChain3 | |
Viessa_FrozenChain4 | |
Viessa_IcePower | |
Viessa_SharpIce | |
Yujin_Active1_HealSuccess | |
Yujin_Active1_Recover | |
Yujin_Active2_Serum | |
Yujin_Active3_Spray | |
Yujin_Active4_Self | |
Yujin_Passive_HpBuff | |
Yujin_Purification_Debuff_All | |
Yujin_Rune01 | |
Yujin_Rune01_HealMode | |
Yujin_Rune02 | |
Yujin_Rune03 | |
Yujin_Rune04_Passive |
We hope this list helps you better understand and utilize the various buffs and status effects in The First Descendant. Whether you’re strategizing for your next battle or simply curious about the different effects, our table is here to assist you. Happy gaming!