Embark on an exploration of Palia’s challenges and glitches in questing! Our succinct 32-second video guide sheds light on the current bug affecting the “Make ‘Em Sing” quest. The quest instructs you to place the singing stone in Zeki’s bedroom drawer, which is currently non-functional.
Quest Alert: Discover the current bug affecting the “Make ‘Em Sing” quest in Palia, where placing the singing stone in Zeki’s bedroom drawer is not functioning as intended.
Uploaded: August 13, 2023
Duration: 32s
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Glitch Troubles: Follow the guide, stay informed about the quest bug, and navigate Palia’s challenges with a spirit of patience.
Ready to face the twists and turns of Palia’s quests? Click, watch, and stay updated on the “Make ‘Em Sing” quest’s current bug in Palia’s questing world!