Oh Loving You Song Lyrics


Here, I’m sharing the lyrics to my latest song, “I Love You.” This song is very special to me, and I hope it resonates with you as much as it does with me. Feel free to sing along, enjoy the rhythm, and let the words move you.


Every morning, I wake up with you on my mind
I can’t help it, I can’t hide it, your love’s got me so blind
You’re the rhythm in my heartbeat, the light that shines so true
And baby, I just gotta say it, I love you, oh, I love you

I love you, I so love you
Every day, I’m falling deeper, loving you, oh, loving you

Oh loving you

I love you, I so love you
Every night, I’m dreaming sweeter, loving you, oh, loving you

oh, loving you

oh, loving you

oh, loving you

In the evening, when the stars light up the sky
You’re the reason, you’re the feeling, I can’t deny
You’re the melody in my soul, the song I sing for you
And baby, I’ll keep on repeating, I love you,
oh, I love you, I so love you
I love you, I so love you
Every day, I’m falling deeper, loving you, oh, loving you

oh, loving you

I love you, I so love you
Every night, I’m dreaming sweeter, loving you, oh, loving you

oh, loving you, oh loving you

oh, loving you, oh loving you, oh loving you

In the evening, when the stars light up the sky
You’re the reason, you’re the feeling,

Oh, I love you, yes, I love you
And I’ll keep on, keep on loving you

oh, loving you, oh loving you
oh loving you
oh loving you
And I’ll always be here loving you, oh, loving you

Loving you, I so love you
And I’ll always be here loving you, oh, loving you

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© 2024 DaOpa. All rights reserved.
The lyrics and content on this page are protected by copyright law. Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of these lyrics is prohibited. For permissions or inquiries, please contact me on Twitter @gamingwithdaopa.

Listen to the Song Versions:

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