This is a interactive map showing all the various monsters and npcs you can find in Myr from Fractured Online. Use the filter on the side to remove legend items from the map. You can click on each marker for a description of what the area has in terms of monster and/or resources.

© DaOpa
Previous map can be found here!
- Sea Trolls
- Forest Trolls
- Mountain Trolls
- Zombies
- Malakar The Devourer
- Elder Mountain Troll – Legend Altar (Hard)
- Archmage Outcast
Crazy Aeromancer
Crazy Cyromancer
Crazy Pyromancer
Bandit Agitator
Bandit Leader
Bandit Marauder
Bandit Marksman
Bandit Ruffian
Bandit Spellsword
Bandit Thug - Goblin Cuttroat
Goblin Enforcer
Goblin Fire Shaman
Goblin Medic
Goblin Trapper
Goblin Warchief - Ogres
Ogre Mage
Ogre Shieldbreaker
Ogre Lord
Ogre Warrior - Greater Woodland Wisp
Woodland Wisp
Groove, Shaker of Worlds – Legend Altar (Hard)
Zephyr, Spirit of The Forest – Legend Altar (Medium)
Lord Eoronn – Legend Altar (Medium) - Greater Earth Elemental
Earth Elemental
Sproutling - Goblin Cuttroat
Goblin Enforcer
Goblin Fire Shaman
Goblin Medic
Goblin Trapper
Goblin Warchief - Archmage Outcast
Crazy Aeromancer
Crazy Cyromancer
Crazy Pyromancer
Bandit Agitator
Bandit Leader
Bandit Marauder
Bandit Marksman
Bandit Ruffian
Bandit Spellsword
Bandit Thug - Spider Lich
Giant Spider
Crawling Horror
Black Widow
Zombies - Spider Lich
Giant Spider
Crawling Horror
Black Widow
Zombies - Axfitmithis, Frozen Plague – Legend Altar (Hard)
Skeletal Archer
Skeletal Warrior
Spider Lich
Giant Spider
Crawling Horror
Black Widow
Zombies - Black Chief Utabogg – Legend Altar (Easy)
Goblin Archer
Goblin Shadowdancer
Goblin Death Shaman
Goblin Enforcer - Felghoul
Skeletal Dragon
Skeletal Archer
Skeletal Mage
Skeletal Warrior
Additional monsters and beasts that can be find in the various biomes.
- Giant Spider
- Spiderling
- Stag
- Deer
- Direwolf
- Wolf
- Grizzly Bear
- Young Wolf
- Fox
- Warg
- Rabbit
Trees and Plants that can be found in Myr.
- Wolfsbane
- Gooseberries
- Amanita Mushrooms
- Brain Mushrooms
- Penny Bun Mushrooms
- Honeynail Mushrooms
- White Cap Mushrooms
- Oak
- Dead Oak
- Spruce
- Yew
- Onion
- Bitterleaf
- Garlic
- Chestnut
- Birch
- Currant
- Dandelion
- Mandrake Root
- Pumpkin
- Bloodvein
- Flax
- Carrots
- Blueberries
- Raspberries
- Celery
- Tomatoes
- Nightshade Berries
- Arnica
- Pine
- Potatoes
- Strawberries
- Milkweed
- Lavender