EVE Online Revenant Deep Dive Podcast


Welcome to the latest episode of our podcast! In this episode, we take a deep dive into the upcoming Revenant expansion for EVE Online. This expansion promises to shake up the world of New Eden, introducing exciting new features, factions, and gameplay mechanics.

Explore the Revenant Expansion

In this in-depth video, we break down everything you need to know about the Revenant expansion and how it will impact the EVE Online universe. Here’s what we’ll cover:

  • The Arrival of The Deathless: A mysterious new faction is making its way to New Eden. Discover the lore behind The Deathless and their quest for Atavum, a rare element that has the potential to reshape power dynamics across EVE.
  • New Ships and Combat Strategies: Get ready for the introduction of powerful new ships, including the Tholos Destroyer and the Cenotaph Battlecruiser. We’ll discuss how these ships will redefine combat strategy, emphasizing covert operations and the innovative use of breaching pods.
  • Revamped Economy and Player Interaction: We’ll explore the player-driven economy with the introduction of Mercenary Dens and the revamped Corporation Projects system. Learn about the new customization options available with the Ship Skins feature, allowing players to personalize their fleets like never before.

Whether you’re a seasoned veteran or a newcomer to EVE Online, there’s something for everyone in this expansion. Join us as we dissect the details and implications of the Revenant expansion, providing insights that will enhance your gameplay experience.

Ready to dive in? You can listen to the episode below:

EVE Online Podcast Episode – Revenant Deep Dive

“This podcast episode features AI-generated content to enhance the discussion and provide unique insights.”

This is also available on youtube, if you want to watch it with some visuals!

Click to view the transcribed data
00:00:00,080 --> 00:00:05,760
hey everyone and welcome to this deep dive 
going deep into the wild world of new Eden well  

00:00:05,760 --> 00:00:11,920
specifically the upcoming Revenant expansion for 
Eve online right yeah so if you're already kneed  

00:00:11,920 --> 00:00:18,200
deep in spaceships and Star Charts you know Eve is 
all about forging your own path right absolutely  

00:00:18,200 --> 00:00:23,440
but this update oh boy this is going to shake 
things up big time yeah what's really interesting  

00:00:23,440 --> 00:00:28,360
about Revenant I think is how it's like they're 
dropping this whole new faction right into the  

00:00:28,360 --> 00:00:34,520
mix and it's not just like here's some new ships 
go nuts this has potential to like completely  

00:00:34,520 --> 00:00:39,240
redraw the power dynamics of the whole game you're 
going to have to navigate this whole new element  

00:00:39,240 --> 00:00:44,240
okay so let's talk about this new faction then 
the deathless yeah and they kind of just like  

00:00:44,240 --> 00:00:48,520
appeared out of thin air right right after the 
Zarzakh siege went down which anyone who's been  

00:00:48,520 --> 00:00:53,280
following EVE for a while knows that was a whole 
thing and now they're on this big quest to collect  

00:00:53,280 --> 00:00:58,040
something called Atavum right so for anyone 
who maybe hasn't had time to like dive into the  

00:00:58,040 --> 00:01:04,200
whole lore codex what is Atavum and why does it 
have everyone such a tizzy so think of Adam like  

00:01:04,200 --> 00:01:08,920
hm almost like it's this element this element X 
that's always been in the eve Universe we don't  

00:01:08,920 --> 00:01:14,640
know exactly what it has yet but ooh mysterious 
right there are hints that it ties into these  

00:01:14,640 --> 00:01:19,920
ancient Technologies maybe even connects back to 
The Drifter somehow and those guys have always  

00:01:19,920 --> 00:01:26,480
been shouted in mystery almost mythical you know 
yeah but the fact that the deathless are willing  

00:01:26,480 --> 00:01:33,760
to Shell out big Rewards for this Atavum 
that tells you they're not messing around whatever  

00:01:33,760 --> 00:01:38,400
they're planning it's probably huge could shake 
up the entire game and by big rewards I'm guessing  

00:01:38,400 --> 00:01:42,920
we're talking those sweet new ships everyone's 
hyped about exactly the tholos destroyer and  

00:01:42,920 --> 00:01:48,920
the Cenotaph battle cruiser those are the hot ticket 
items right now what makes these so special what's  

00:01:48,920 --> 00:01:53,920
got everyone drooling over the specs these aren't 
just like stat upgrades they bring whole new ways  

00:01:53,920 --> 00:02:00,080
to fight to Eve so the tholus for instance that's 
got a covert Ops cloak built in ooh sneak right  

00:02:00,080 --> 00:02:08,200
it's like stealth on steroids imagine sneaking 
past an entire fleet completely undetected or  

00:02:08,200 --> 00:02:14,720
slipping into a system that's on total lockdown 
that kind of tactical advantage in Eve huge oh  

00:02:14,720 --> 00:02:20,240
absolutely timing is everything in ease knowing 
when to strike when to disappear absolutely and  

00:02:20,240 --> 00:02:24,520
then you've got the Cenotaph which is packing 
some serious heat we're talking breaching  

00:02:24,520 --> 00:02:29,280
pods shriker clone Weaponry for those of us who 
don't speak fluent Starship break it down what  

00:02:29,280 --> 00:02:33,960
are we looking at here so picture this breaching 
pods they're like instead of just hammering away  

00:02:33,960 --> 00:02:39,560
at a ship's Shields these things punch right 
through hit them where it hurts the core systems  

00:02:39,560 --> 00:02:43,800
devastating especially if you can take out a 
flagship or Command Ship right at the start  

00:02:43,800 --> 00:02:47,840
of a fight and then the shriker Clone weapons 
well you don't want to be on the wrong end of  

00:02:47,840 --> 00:02:54,800
that imagine like area denial but cranked up to 11 
sounds masty very effective you deploy those right  

00:02:54,800 --> 00:02:59,400
you can completely control the flow of a battle so 
we're not just talking about bigger guns on these  

00:02:59,400 --> 00:03:04,280
new ships it's a whole different way to think 
about fighting that's got to have some Ripple  

00:03:04,280 --> 00:03:10,640
effects throughout new Eden oh for sure it's like 
introducing a new apex predator into an ecosystem  

00:03:10,640 --> 00:03:15,360
everything that was stable before out the window 
now everyone's scrambling to adapt figure out how  

00:03:15,360 --> 00:03:20,040
to survive how to counter this new threat which 
is where things get really interesting for our  

00:03:20,040 --> 00:03:25,280
listeners yeah because you're not just watching 
this play out you're e in the game yeah so you  

00:03:25,280 --> 00:03:29,920
got to ask yourself are you going to join the 
deathless try to get your hands on those ships or  

00:03:29,920 --> 00:03:33,800
are you going to team up try to find a way to 
fight back against them that's what's so great  

00:03:33,800 --> 00:03:39,360
about Eve those choices they have real impact so 
we've got these awesome new ships but they're not  

00:03:39,360 --> 00:03:43,880
just giving them away right that's where these 
mercenary dens come in they sound a little more  

00:03:43,880 --> 00:03:47,880
intense than your average space do yeah these 
things are really interesting they actually  

00:03:47,880 --> 00:03:53,760
tie right into the whole player driven economy 
of Eve which I love okay I'm intrigued tell me  

00:03:53,760 --> 00:03:59,920
more basically imagine you can deploy these 
mobile outposts these mercenary dens and they  

00:03:59,920 --> 00:04:05,760
generate this stuff these encrypted infomorph 
which as you can guess the deathless are shall  

00:04:05,760 --> 00:04:12,840
we say very keen to get their hands on classic 
supply and demand then players want the new toys  

00:04:12,840 --> 00:04:19,320
the deathless need these infomorph but this 
being Eve I'm guessing it's not as simple as  

00:04:19,320 --> 00:04:24,560
just trading some space Salvage for a shiny new 
battle cruiser you'd think that wouldn't you but  

00:04:24,560 --> 00:04:30,440
it's never that simple in new Eden so what's the 
catch the thing about Eve is it's it's all about  

00:04:30,440 --> 00:04:35,640
who controls the information right so yeah you 
can trade these infomorph make a tidy profit but  

00:04:35,640 --> 00:04:40,760
the real power play that's in controlling the 
flow o okay I like where this is going imagine  

00:04:40,760 --> 00:04:45,280
right you Corner the market on these infomorphs 
you set the price you decide who gets access to  

00:04:45,280 --> 00:04:50,280
the deathless Tech maybe even hold entire 
corporations hostage if you're feeling spicy  

00:04:50,280 --> 00:04:54,840
Now That's What I Call playing 4D chess in space 
right so these mercenary dens they're not just  

00:04:54,840 --> 00:04:59,920
about making a quick Buck they could spark a whole 
new era of like corporate Espionage and warfare  

00:04:59,920 --> 00:05:06,480
you've got alliances shifting backstabbing I love 
it oh absolutely that's what makes Eve so unique  

00:05:06,480 --> 00:05:11,160
the developers they create the game but it's 
the players who truly bring it to life and with  

00:05:11,160 --> 00:05:17,640
Revenant oh they're giving players some seriously 
powerful tools speaking of powerful tools let's  

00:05:17,640 --> 00:05:22,920
shift gears for a sec and talk about Corporation 
projects for anyone who might be new to Eve can  

00:05:22,920 --> 00:05:27,840
you give us the quick rundown of what those are 
why they matter sure thing so say you're part  

00:05:27,840 --> 00:05:33,680
of a corporation in Eve basically a player run 
organization and you want to work together towards  

00:05:33,680 --> 00:05:38,320
some big goal right Corporation projects that's 
how you do it you set objectives track everyone's  

00:05:38,320 --> 00:05:44,240
progress divvy up the rewards and Revenant it's 
really overhauling this whole system giving you  

00:05:44,240 --> 00:05:49,920
way more control way more options so instead of 
it just being like go mine 5,000 units of ore  

00:05:49,920 --> 00:05:55,240
you can get really specific with it exactly we're 
talking different types of or setting limits on  

00:05:55,240 --> 00:05:59,920
where it can be mined even requiring specific 
ships to be involved adds a whole whole other  

00:05:59,920 --> 00:06:05,200
layer of strategy especially if you're trying to 
manage a big corporation like imagine setting up  

00:06:05,200 --> 00:06:12,920
this super complex Logistics operation to extract 
Rare Minerals from a dangerous asteroid field or  

00:06:12,920 --> 00:06:18,160
coordinating this massive mining operation to 
fuel your corporation's expansion it's pretty  

00:06:18,160 --> 00:06:23,640
wild sounds like a micromanager dream come true 
in a good way for sure but it's not all work and  

00:06:23,640 --> 00:06:27,720
no play in Revenant they've also got some cool 
stuff for people who want to you know Express  

00:06:27,720 --> 00:06:32,920
themselves a bit I am talking about the expanded 
skin system hit me with the details oh the Skins  

00:06:32,920 --> 00:06:36,800
yeah that's always been a fun part of e all 
right making your ship your own standing out  

00:06:36,800 --> 00:06:43,040
from the crowd but Revenant they're taking it to 
a whole new level imagine going from like finger  

00:06:43,040 --> 00:06:48,240
painting to using professional grade art tools 
that's what we're talking about here okay now  

00:06:48,240 --> 00:06:53,480
you had to tell me more about these art tools 
what can we do now that we couldn't before so  

00:06:53,480 --> 00:06:59,600
the big thing is this new two-layer system now 
you can layer different patterns and textures on  

00:06:59,600 --> 00:07:06,280
on your ships which means way more intricate more 
Unique Designs like imagine putting Flames over  

00:07:06,280 --> 00:07:10,800
your camouflage pattern or making it look like 
your ship's been through a hundred battles with  

00:07:10,800 --> 00:07:16,040
this randomized wear and tear oh I love that right 
and if you're not feeling creative there's even a  

00:07:16,040 --> 00:07:21,120
randomize button just hit that and boom the game 
Cooks up a design for you tweak it if you want  

00:07:21,120 --> 00:07:27,080
or just roll with it so you're saying I could be 
the trend Setter of new Eden rocking a ship design  

00:07:27,080 --> 00:07:31,520
so fresh everyone else is going to be copying me 
you could be a legend got to start brainstorming  

00:07:31,520 --> 00:07:37,600
right now okay but let's not get too distracted 
by the fashion show Revenant also has some good  

00:07:37,600 --> 00:07:42,080
oldfashioned quality of life improvements the kind 
of stuff that you know might not be as flashy as  

00:07:42,080 --> 00:07:47,880
new ships or fancy skins but still makes a big 
difference for us everyday players what's got you  

00:07:47,880 --> 00:07:53,640
excited in that department one thing I'm really 
happy about is the redesigned ship info window I  

00:07:53,640 --> 00:07:58,720
know it doesn't sound like much small changes 
big impact though right exactly and for anyone  

00:07:58,720 --> 00:08:03,800
who spends a lot of time you know really tweaking 
their ships optimizing their fits this is going  

00:08:03,800 --> 00:08:09,080
to be huge sell me on it what's so great about a 
redesigned info window basically they just made  

00:08:09,080 --> 00:08:15,480
it way cleaner way more user friendly information 
is easier to find they are little visual cues now  

00:08:15,480 --> 00:08:20,040
so you don't have to hunt for things tool tips 
that explain stuff better it just makes the whole  

00:08:20,040 --> 00:08:24,880
process of outfitting your ship so much smoother 
I do love a good UI upgrade yeah it's the little  

00:08:24,880 --> 00:08:30,000
thing sometimes for sure and speaking of little 
things that can have a big impact let's talk ever  

00:08:30,000 --> 00:08:35,040
marks they're getting some love and Revenant too 
right they are yeah everm marks for anyone who's  

00:08:35,040 --> 00:08:39,040
new they're basically a way to speed up your 
progress by doing these daily challenges right  

00:08:39,040 --> 00:08:45,080
right but with Revenant CCP is giving players even 
more ways to use them more flexibility because who  

00:08:45,080 --> 00:08:51,520
doesn't love more flexibility especially in a game 
as massive and let's be honest sometimes grindy as  

00:08:51,520 --> 00:08:56,440
Eve what kind of flexibility we're talking about 
give me the good stuff so the big one is you  

00:08:56,440 --> 00:09:01,680
can now use evermarks to complete those AIR 
daily goals oh interesting which is going to be  

00:09:01,680 --> 00:09:06,320
huge for anyone who can't always log in every 
single day or just you know wants to focus on  

00:09:06,320 --> 00:09:11,200
certain parts of the game so instead of feeling 
like I have to grind through every single goal  

00:09:11,200 --> 00:09:17,640
every day I can pick and choose use my evermarks 
strategically to fill in the gaps precisely it's  

00:09:17,640 --> 00:09:22,720
all about giving you more control over your play 
style letting you experience Eve the way you want  

00:09:22,720 --> 00:09:29,360
to and speaking of experiencing Eve in different 
ways Revenant also brings some cool changes to  

00:09:30,080 --> 00:09:35,360
well Vanguard Vanguard now that's where Eve 
online goes from like epic Space Battles to  

00:09:35,360 --> 00:09:39,000
straight up action hero stuff right yeah 
boots on the ground different kind of  

00:09:39,000 --> 00:09:42,680
intensity definitely and I know a lot of our 
listeners are trying to know what's Revenant  

00:09:42,680 --> 00:09:48,040
going to do with Vanguard any hints we can tease 
out CCP is being pretty secretive as usual but  

00:09:48,040 --> 00:09:52,760
what they have said it sounds like big changes 
are coming for anyone who likes to get up  

00:09:52,760 --> 00:09:59,640
close and personal and Eve Vanguard is about 
to get very interesting ooh okay no spoiler  

00:09:59,640 --> 00:10:08,200
I get it but come on give us a little taste what 
can we expect new war zones new weapons enemies  

00:10:08,200 --> 00:10:13,200
The Works what has you hyped you know what's 
got me really thinking they keep talking about  

00:10:13,200 --> 00:10:18,880
player choice and consequences like the stuff 
you doo in Vanguard it's going to have Ripple  

00:10:18,880 --> 00:10:25,120
effects actually change the persistent world of 
new Eden whoa okay so it's not just like racking  

00:10:25,120 --> 00:10:30,200
up points in a side mission this is affecting the 
whole game World it sounds sounds like it imagine  

00:10:30,200 --> 00:10:34,360
you complete a Vanguard mission right and that 
tips the balance of power in a whole region or  

00:10:34,360 --> 00:10:39,320
you uncover some secret that sends shock waves 
through like the entire player base that's the  

00:10:39,320 --> 00:10:43,000
kind of impact we're talking about so it's not 
just about being a badass anymore it's about  

00:10:43,000 --> 00:10:47,600
leaving your mark on history I love it exactly 
you're not just playing the game you're shaping  

00:10:47,600 --> 00:10:52,800
the Galaxy that's what makes it so exciting well 
said it feels like Revenant is shaping up to be  

00:10:52,800 --> 00:10:57,920
one of those expansions where no matter how you 
play Eve there's something here for you I think  

00:10:57,920 --> 00:11:03,360
so definitely newbies veterans everyone's got 
something to get hyped about something to draw  

00:11:03,360 --> 00:11:08,960
them deeper into new Eden which is really saying 
something for a game that's already as massive as  

00:11:08,960 --> 00:11:14,120
Eve it's a testament to how well they make this 
game you know Eve is always evolving and it's  

00:11:14,120 --> 00:11:19,640
driven by the players all the crazy ideas the 
Ambitions CCP gives you the tools and then just  

00:11:19,640 --> 00:11:26,600
gets out of the way and with Revenant those tools 
are about to get a huge GG upgrade so I got to ask  

00:11:26,600 --> 00:11:32,360
what about you listening what will your legacy 
be in this new era of Eve are you going to join  

00:11:32,360 --> 00:11:36,680
the death list get your hands on all that cool 
Tech build a corporation that controls all those  

00:11:36,680 --> 00:11:42,320
sweet sweet infomorph right so many options maybe 
you'll be the next big fashion icon designing the  

00:11:42,320 --> 00:11:47,640
hottest ship skins in the Galaxy or hey maybe you 
go full space pirate just wreaking havoc wherever  

00:11:47,640 --> 00:11:52,800
you go it's your call that's the beauty of EVE 
right the choice is yours just remember in new  

00:11:52,800 --> 00:11:59,720
Eden every choice has consequences Choose Wisely 
words to live by and that's a wrap on our deep  

00:11:59,720 --> 00:12:05,840
dive into the Revenant expansion we've covered 
a lot today mysterious new factions killer new  

00:12:05,840 --> 00:12:10,880
ships economic shakeups oh and did I mention 
you can make your ship look even cooler than  

00:12:10,880 --> 00:12:16,360
ever looking good is half the battle absolutely 
but as always we've only scratch the surface  

00:12:16,360 --> 00:12:22,240
there's a whole galaxy out there waiting to be 
explored conquered maybe even reshaped by you  

00:12:22,240 --> 00:12:27,000
so get out there capsuleers Make some noise and 
we'll catch on the next Deep dive fly safe

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