Client Launch Parameters


Diablo IV game launch parameters list is available!add command line arguments

Game client launch parameters are command-line arguments that modify various settings and options in a game. These parameters can be useful for customizing settings, enabling or disabling features, and troubleshooting issues with the game.

Here’s a list of available launch parameters for Diablo IV:

-windowed: Starts the game in windowed mode.
-launch: Starts the game with the specified launch options.
-locale: Sets the game language.
-speechlocale: Sets the speech language.
-textlocale: Sets the text language.
-lanserveraddress: Sets the address of the LAN server.
-lsa: Enables the LAN server.
-lanuserproxyaddress: Sets the user proxy address for the LAN server.
-lupa: Enables user proxy for the LAN server.
-battlenetaccount: Sets the account to use.
-battlenetpassword: Sets the password for the account.
-battlenetaccount2: Sets the second account to use.
-battlenetpassword2: Sets the password for the second account.
-region: Sets the game region.
-sso: Enables single sign-on.
-autologin: Enables automatic login.
-autologinplayercount: Sets the number of players to log in automatically.
-autologinbattlenet: Enables automatic login to
-fakeinput: Enables fake input.
-noinput: Disables input.
-suppressui: Suppresses the user interface.
-quicktest: Enables quick testing.
-test: Enables testing.
-perftestminfpsscreenshot: Sets the minimum FPS for taking screenshots during performance testing.
-perftestminfpsprofile: Sets the minimum FPS for profiling during performance testing.
-perftestfilter: Sets the test filter for performance testing.
-perftestentrypoint: Sets the test entry point for performance testing.
-perftestwaittime: Sets the wait time for performance testing.
-perftestsampletime: Sets the sample time for performance testing.
-perftestdumpfreq: Sets the dump frequency for performance testing.
-perftestformat: Sets the output format for performance testing.
-perftestplayercount: Sets the number of players for performance testing.
-perftestnofpscollection: Disables FPS collection during performance testing.
-perftestloopskills: Enables skill loop testing during performance testing.
-perftestskillstaggerms: Sets the skill stagger time for performance testing.
-perftestoneoff: Disables tone mapping during performance testing.
-assertonworldgenerationerror: Enables assertion on world generation error.
-testinggridsize: Sets the size of the testing grid.
-graphicstesttype: Sets the graphics test type.
-jenkinsinfo: Sets the Jenkins information.
-maxrecentplayer: Sets the maximum number of recent players.
-adapter: Sets the graphics adapter.
-monitor: Sets the monitor.
-blizzcon: Enables BlizzCon mode.
-enableagentmanager: Enables the agent manager.
-agenttype: Sets the agent type.
-highdpicursor: Enables high-DPI cursor.
-nofpslimit: Disables the FPS limit.
-nobackgroundfpslimit: Disables the background FPS limit.
-overridelogfolder: Overrides the log folder.
-serverpool: Sets the server pool
-novariableres: Used to disable variable resolution.
-memorybudgetpercent: Used to specify the percentage of memory budget to use.
-autodumpmemthreshold: Used to specify the memory threshold for automatic memory dumps.
-iconiclooks: Used for running the game in iconic looks mode.
-novoice: Used to disable voice chat.
-bypassgpudrivercheck: Used to bypass the GPU driver check.
-forcecrashhandling: Used to force crash handling.
-aftermath: Used to enable NVIDIA Aftermath.
-dredall: Used to enable DRED (Device Removed Extended Data) for all resources.
-dredautobreadcrumboff: Used to turn off DRED breadcrumbs automatically.
-dredbreadcrumbcontextoff: Used to turn off DRED breadcrumb context information.
-dredpagefault: Used to enable DRED page faults.
-dethroneignoreinactivity: Used to ignore inactivity during de-throning.

5 thoughts on “Client Launch Parameters

  1. So even when the servers are down, you can use some of these comments to bring up the client but it wont connect to anything.

  2. It’s fantastic to see that there’s a comprehensive list of launch parameters available for Diablo IV players. This will undoubtedly be a valuable resource for those who want to fine-tune their gameplay experience or address any performance issues they may be experiencing. Thank you for sharing this information!

  3. Hello,
    Thaks for the D4 startup parameters. I’m trying to bypass the graphics driver check. Can you give me an example on how to use it? I’ve tried the following:
    C:\Program Files (x86)\> -bypassgpudrivercheck
    C:\Program Files (x86)\> –bypassgpudrivercheck
    C:\Program Files (x86)\> /bypassgpudrivercheck
    C:\Program Files (x86)\> /-bypassgpudrivercheck

    Thank you for your help.
    Kind regard.

  4. What would the syntax be if I say I want D4 to log in automatically using my account?
    “D:\Blizzard\Diablo IV\Diablo IV.exe” -launch -autologin -battlenetpassword:FaKePassw0rd

    Is this correct?

  5. Create a ,txt file named “cmdline.txt” in your Diablo IV folder. Add in the commands you want to mess around with and start DiabloIV.exe within the Diablo IV folder this should bypass the need to use the Bnet app if used correctly with the user and pw inputs. Might need -launch before or after your commands. Im not sure since I havent messed with all the commands.

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